Chapter Forty Five

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Though he was an Autumn fairy, Tavius had always been told that he was better suited for the summer or spring

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Though he was an Autumn fairy, Tavius had always been told that he was better suited for the summer or spring. Warm months, with lots of energy and romantic flittering. There was going to be no such 'flittering' in Oregon, however. The city of Medford had greeted him with a dour blanket of rain, as if disapproving of their arrival, and he couldn't help but be affected by the mood.

His phone rang, and he grasped it with equal parts relief and trepidation.

Kyle Mink, the caller ID announced.


"Dude, I don't think there's enough beer in the world to get me back in that nuthouse. In fact, you owe me extra for this. In the past two hours, five people asked me if I needed someone killed. Three of them asked me at the urinal, and one of them was, like, twelve."

Tavius peeled the phone away from his ear, mouth pursed. "Hey, can you not yell—" But he gave up, turning down the volume instead, wishing fervently that Kyle had texted like Tavius had asked. He wasn't in the mood to interact with others with his voice, heaviness dragging hard on his heart. "Okay, okay, what happened?"

"What happened? Dude, what didn't happen? It's like herding cats in here. I'm pretty sure two people were killed in the elevator today. There's still blood on the doors."

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