Chapter Thirty Six

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"You know, I usually prefer at least a twenty-minute head start before I invite international incidents, but hey, that's personal preference

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"You know, I usually prefer at least a twenty-minute head start before I invite international incidents, but hey, that's personal preference." Tavius chirped, walking a few steps behind August, a sack thrown over one shoulder. He was trying his best not to jostle it, ominously promising 'trouble' if the contents were disturbed too much.

Unlike August, the elder Breeze sibling was as chipper as usual. Of course, the cheer was a façade. Tavius dealt with emotions in his own way, and logically, August could understand that. But that didn't make him feel much less resentful as they strode down the hall. Tavius' lightheartedness made August feel irrationally angry, as if he was bitter at how easily his brother shrugged off his feelings, and the urge to snap hovered at the tip of August's tongue.

"Shut up." He whispered instead, peering carefully into the sitting room as they passed it. They'd confirmed beforehand that Peja and the other guy were outside, fussing with their vehicle, but August didn't want any nasty surprises—additional opponents, in particular.

"You know," Tavius poked his head into the banquet room, nodding it was clear. "This plan. It's"

"Boring, you mean."

"Boring's not always a bad thing." Was his brother's glib reply. "Now predictable, that would be bad. But boring, nahhhh." He blew a quiet raspberry and flapped a free hand.

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