Chapter Seventeen

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Juniper's yet-to-be-earned degree was in no shape or form medical

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Juniper's yet-to-be-earned degree was in no shape or form medical. He briefly wondered if he should reconsider, but that butterfly of a dream died fast when he was forced to peel Breeze's shirt off of his arm, taking a layer of burnt skin with it.

Guh. 'Gross' didn't even begin to cover it.

Juniper glanced away, accidentally making eye contact with Yasuko, instead. She hovered on the arm of Breeze's chair, her bare feet tucked under his leg and his uninjured arm around her waist. She had tangled her fingers with his, and for all intents, she looked like an owl ready to attack, if Juniper failed at his task.

What's with this house and people hovering and threatening over patients? No wonder doctors get paid so much.

"Hush." Breeze told her. Or Juniper. Probably both of them. No, definitely Yasuko, because he tilted his head a little her way, bumping his forehead against her chin. Attention successfully diverted, she pressed her cheek against the top of his head and closed her eyes. Now she looked like a cat cuddling up to her owner, and Juniper wouldn't have been shocked if she'd started purring.

When she scooted closer, Breeze sighed, a tight, pained sound. The whole of his face was red, as if he'd been out in the sun too long, and a few, tiny blisters had started to form on his jaw. His arm and side, however, were much worse off. The skin there was charred black, making the red of blood all the more violent in contrast. The white and yellow of fat, too. He smelled like a mix of cooked burger and burnt hair, which made Juniper's stomach turn.

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