Chapter Six

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What is this about Sakura Kushida?  Is she really dead?  Daniel, I need a response NOW

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What is this about Sakura Kushida? Is she really dead? Daniel, I need a response NOW. This relates directly to Yasuko's safety and well being.


>>Forwarded message>>

I've yet to hear back from you.  The event is tonight, and Emil acts as if something is already in place?

Sincere thanks,
Augustine Breeze, Senior Manager

>>Forwarded message>>

Please see the forwarded email below.  I need a response; this is a rather urgent issue.

Sincere thanks,
Augustine Breeze, Senior Manager

>>Forwarded message>>

My replacement Emil Reyes brought forth several operations changes, saying that they came at the recommendation of your office.  Can you please elaborate on the reason for these changes?  I have especial concerns about the suggestion that we establish safe houses across the city, in case Yasuko has an adverse reaction during the upcoming fundraiser.  While it's not a terrible idea, I'm concerned about how we would be able to staff these safe locations, as well as how to secure them.  Emil wasn't able to tell me what these locations might be, but based on our conversation, I'm under the impression that they have already been secured or a decision is near made.  Do you have a list that we can go over?  Perhaps we can implement something small, for the time being.

Sincere thanks,
Augustine Breeze
Senior Manager, East Coast Branch, ext. 6501
P.O. Box 340718

He'd never seen a vampire panic before

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He'd never seen a vampire panic before. Breeze had managed to grab her arm, but she twisted out of his grip so fast that he could only stare at his empty hands in shock.

"Feldick!" Breeze called into the radio as he raced after her. Already she was out of sight, and the crowd wasn't helping. It surfed back and forth in waves of curiosity and terror. "The doors! She's heading—"

The radio crackled, followed by a string of vibrant curses in Old Irish. "The doors are open!"


But Breeze could see as much for himself. The doors out of the event hall were open, and down the hallway the exit leading outside was also thrown wide. Not just thrown wide but propped open.

Emil, that son of a bitch!

Racing into the night, Breeze looked around, trying to catch sight of her. Her kimono was garish enough that it should have stood out like a beacon, but he couldn't see her or any flash of color that would provide a hint. Only dark city streets, eerily quiet except for the building behind him.

No no no! He wanted to scream in frustration.

Running his hands through his hair, he cursed at the sky. He should have told her. But how? He'd only found out a few hours ago, and his superiors had insisted that the fundraiser go on.

Tell her after, they'd demanded. We can't cancel the event.

Breeze groaned. Cursed again. This was on his shoulders. He should have made sure none of the guests knew. Which they shouldn't have; the news had come through the ACSS and was supposed to be kept hush. But all the same, he should have prepared for this. Now the media would make him their sacrificial darling, and the fairies would suffer yet another bad blow to their fragile reputation. The news outlets would be especially harsh because of his mother. 

Why did this have to happen now, when retirement was only two years away?

Worse, why couldn't he stop thinking about Yasuko's expression before she'd fled, the pure anguish that had crossed her face as soon as she'd heard the news. Not the quiet, graceful pain he'd have expected from her.

"Sister or not, I'll always love her."

But outright, belligerent agony. It cut him to the bone. Worse, it made him guilty.

That's why curiosity killed the cat. You shouldn't have asked about the sister. Now you can't be impartial. He spouted more profanities. He almost threw his radio into the street.

It was impossible to not feel somehow responsible when a woman looked like that. Even if that woman was a vampire.


He shook himself, breathing into the radio. "What?"

"Juniper, the bastard!" Came the exultant reply, "He put a tracker on her!"

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