Chapter Twenty Five

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Libby says: heyLibby says: remember those chains in the kitchenLibby says: finally got to use them lol[Not Delivered]

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Libby says: hey
Libby says: remember those chains in the kitchen
Libby says: finally got to use them lol
[Not Delivered]

Libby says: heyLibby says: remember those chains in the kitchenLibby says: finally got to use them lol[Not Delivered]

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Given the option, Libby preferred performing interrogations in her kitchen. Hence the chains. Also, the pie and other assorted foods weren't as inclined to ambush her there. It was where she kept most of her weapons, after all, and even if the granite counter and her weren't exactly on speaking terms, it would back her up in a pinch. In general, though, the kitchen was where she was the most comfortable, and there was nothing like a little bit of emotional and mental torture (err...therapy) to liven up the stomach for dinner.

Maybe try cooking something Asian? What do Japanese people eat? Sushi...and uh...rice? Whistling lowly, she clapped a manacle on each of the vampire's wrists. Confident as she was in handling the woman, it was best to err on the side of safety. For Yasuko's sake, more than Libby's, obviously.

"See, that's not so bad. I might venture to say it's a good look for you." Libby said cheerfully—and maybe a little sarcastically—stepping back to make sure she hadn't accidentally chained herself to the wall. Nope, just the vampire.

The vampire kept her eyes downcast, feigning timidity, but Libby wasn't fooled. August looked halfway between sick and furious himself, sitting in a tall stool with Tavius and a knife hovering behind him. Well, the knife was more or less hovering on him, a careful distinction that Yasuko seemed to notice more than anyone else. Libby would have to ask which one of her brothers came up with the hostage idea, because someone deserved a cookie for good thinking. If her good mood persisted, it might even be edible.

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