○ Introduction ○

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So... writing for Let Me Hold You (my main Branjie oneshot collection) has taken quite a toll on my emotional well-being and sometimes, I find it hard to consistently put out content for you because of the high standard I set for myself 😅

That being said, I've decided to take on a 30-Day OTP challenge that will be full of short, fluffy drabbles that SHOULD help cleanse my palate after writing serious shit for LMHY! These will be drabbles right off the back of my head, and basically just something I'll quickly throw together to end the day with a smile. Can't guarantee that any of this won't be shit, no promises!

This is the prompt that I will use as a guide for the next 30 days! I just found it on Pinterest and thought that it should be perfect

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This is the prompt that I will use as a guide for the next 30 days! I just found it on Pinterest and thought that it should be perfect.

I've decided to settle with using 3rd POV, because it's a perspective that I rarely use and this could be a good chance to practice. If that bothers you, please try to give one or two chapters a chance, just to see if you like the style.

That being said, I hope you enjoy 30 Days of Branjie! If this becomes worth anything, I might extend it in the future!

Always In Love With You // Branjie Drabbles (OTP Challenge)Where stories live. Discover now