✧・゚: * Thirteen: In A Fairytale ✧・゚:*

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Content Notes: This will be a little longer and different compared to my past drabbles, as this is set in Highschool AU. I couldn't think of something else XDD

Brock and Jose are classmates and they have a crush on each other, but none of them have confessed their feelings. The following also mentions family problems and being in a turbulent household.

Jose and Brock were both stuck in the classroom long after their classmates have left the building, not because of detention, but due to the fact that they were both late to turn in a very important assignment. In Brock's defense, it was because of his extensive ballet practices. Furthermore, he had a performance to attend to last night, making it impossible for him to crack on their homework.

Jose, on the other hand, was up all night trying to go to bed with all of the noise and screaming in his household. He's become accustomed to the sound of his mother yelling, his father snapping back at her, and the sound of plates and random objects hitting the floor became normal on a daily basis. He couldn't focus, and he couldn't leave either. Just the smallest move would cost him his peace of mind for the night, and he couldn't let that happen.

For years, going to school was Jose's only escape. Despite not having many friends, it was the only time when Jose was allowed away from his house, away from all the trouble. He lived in a huge luxurious suite with his parents, but there was no space for him to breathe. He had all the entertainment devices he wanted, but he didn't have a voice to even laugh inside his own dwelling. Whenever he tried to speak up and defend either of his parents, he was immediately shot down for being a problematic student and more so a problematic person.

Unlike Brooke who had supportive parents, Jose was constantly told to man up. His father, in particular, was most concerned about his son's behaviour and he couldn't accept the fact that Jose didn't turn out to be the mini-me he had envisioned. Jose was more into dresses than guns, more into dolls than cars, and he was closer to his mother than his pops... but he could only bond with her the way he wanted when his father wasn't around. One wrong move and he'd get beaten up by him.

Last night was no exception, but Jose couldn't say that to his teacher. One, because he still loved his parents no matter what and two, because he didn't want any of his teachers involved for their own good. Jose wanted to socialize with others, he cracked jokes in his head whenever the other kids had a great time, but he was scared to let anybody in. What if they immediately wanted out after getting to know him? That was some legit scary shit.

But Jose was human too, and he had feelings. He had his wants and his dreams. He realized he was gay when he first laid his eyes on Brock during a school performance. He was dancing around, twirling all over the place like an angel. Jose never felt this connected to anyone, and when their eyes met, his worries melted for a second to give way for Brock's beauty. He didn't just have a crush on him, he was obsessed with him. But what could poor Jose do? He didn't want to drag Brock into his already messy life.

Their English teacher made both of them stay for failing to submit their homework. To make up for it and guarantee they pass, they were asked to turn in a short story based on fairytales. They weren't allowed to leave the campus unless they finished.

Brock thought princesses, queens, castles, royalty, fairies... all that magic. He was pure, innocent, oh but he was always teased for being a sissy. Brock didn't mind this and continued to pursue his fantasies with the support of his family, and so he decided to make a spin on Swan Lake for his short story.

Jose, however...

"My version of a fairytale is to have a wonderful future with two kids, one boy and one girl, a lovely parner in life and a comfortable place to live in. Riches are easy to find but at the price of happiness, they aren't worth much. Looks will fade. We all know that unicorns aren't real and the concept of royalty isn't as magical in real life as they portray it in fiction."

"However, a true happy ending would be to have someone you love by your side, one that doesn't hurt you, one that will protect you, one that works to see you smile every day."

"I see myself in that fairytale with Brock, and I hope we can be together one day and live happily ever after."

"Oh shit-"

Jose cursed under his breath, ripping the piece of paper off as soon as he realized what he was doing. He just ruined his entire work by adding his thoughts carelessly onto the essay he was making... but not that it mattered. He was way off what was asked, struggling enough with just a few paragraphs. How could they demand an entire story with freaking dialogue?!

While he was all flustered and dumbfounded, Brock was intrigued by his sudden reaction. With just the two of them in the room, it wasn't hard to notice Jose. Furthermore, Brock was always fascinated by him and how he was different from the rest.

Sensing this as an opportunity, Brock snatched the crumpled paper from Jose's hand, just quick enough before the other noticed.

"H-hey! Give that back, you-!!!"

Jose jumped from his seat and chased Brock around the room, causing a mess. However, he was no match for the ballerina who ran at least an hour every morning as part of his training.

Jose eventually gave up, slumping back onto his chair. Knowing well enough what he had just done, he covered his face with both hands in embarrassment, bracing for the worst.

But it never arrived.

No sarcastic jokes, no laughter.

No hysterical reactions. Not even a single word.

Jose opened his eyes, only to find the same paper on his desk with strange handwriting at the end. It certainly wasn't his, and the sapphire blue ink used to write it down definitely didn't belong to his black pen either. Trying to calm his racing heart, he slowly read the words written.

"You're the prince in my happily ever after too. We can start work on our fairytale now if you're up for it. -Brock Hayhoe"


[A/N Why do I feel like this isn't even a drabble anymore? Haha! I'm sorry this was so long, I got carried away. But I still hope you liked this chapter! Thanks a lot for reading, and like always, let me know what you think! I enjoyed writing this AU so much haha ♡ Nadine]

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