✧・゚: * Fifteen: Teaching ✧・゚:*

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Note: Not exactly on point with the prompt provided but this was my only idea... so with no further ado! XD

"Bitch, what did you just say?"

Jose was playing with his makeup when Brock made a sudden confession. It was more of a request, to be honest... but Jose almost lost his mind at how abrupt the words left Brock's mouth.

"Teach me how to be funny," Brock said with the most serious face on the planet, causing Jose to gasp.

"Girl, I was born funny! I came out of my mother's womb laughing!"

"There's nothing I can't learn," Brock smiled earnestly, making the other lose his mind. Jose violently wiped all of his makeup with one ply of makeup wipe - you can imagine the result.


"What are you looking at me like that for bitch,"

"You... ahahaha! You look fucking hilarious!"

"Exactly my point, boo." Jose yelled, making Brock laugh even more. Jose's words were like tickles to him. "You even laugh just by looking at my motherfucking face!!!"

"Hahaha, I'm sorry papi... I just can't resist it..."

Jose wiped off every ounce of makeup left on his face, mostly the ones smudged all over by the first wipe he used. He just didn't see why Brock would say something like that out of the blue when he thought that he's already perfect the way he is.

"That's what I'm trying to make you see. You were born to be a pageant queen. They don't sell these goddamn looks anywhere else outside of Canada!"

"Ha.. hahaha!"

"I can't work with a canvas like this. You're too pretty. It's a crime to even try and make you look funny. You can't be funny. Accept it."

"Hey... give me one chance," Brock steals a kiss from Jose's lips, making the younger queen smile eventually.

"Okay, fine. But you only got one chance. I repeat. One. Chance. Make it count!"

"Alright... what do you want to hear?"

"Anything! Just make me laugh!" Jose imitates Ru, making Brock chuckle a bit. After two minutes of silence, he's finally settled with the worst joke ever.

"Okay... what do you call a fake noodle?"

"Yeah, what?"

"An impasta!"

". . ."

". . ."

"I can't believe how you thought of that randomly. You should start by thinking of something related to what we're doing right now."

"So you wanted to hear a joke about a cookie?"


"Oh, you wanted me to read you the way Michelle always did because your chest is always covered in glitter and your make-"

"Shit. Why didn't I realize it earlier?"


"You're a shady queen! That's the amusing side to you, Brock!"

"I am... shady?"

"Uhm, you won the reading challenge bitch! I thought I got that in the bag."

"I thought you deserved to win the design challenge too, despite it coming as a surprise."


Jose grabbed the nearest hairbrush, throwing it towards Brock, who quickly ran away and dodged the incoming attack successfully. The day ended with Brock letting Jose punch him lightly, one after each read playfully delivered, yet not without an equal number of kisses as compensation.

And that is how Brooke Lynn, or better yet, Brock... became fond of bullying his fans online. Little did they know it all started with Jose.


[A/N I don't know how to feel about this other than I have made this up real quick and I'm currently all over the place with all the drama going on with Branjie and I need an outlet to channel all of my emotions on because I'm about to... aaahhh! Well I hope you still liked this chapter! Will be updating tomorrow because I need to work on something else that is Branjie related :D]

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