✧・゚: * Eight: Sleeping In ✧・゚:*

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It’s two in the morning and Brock has just arrived at their shared apartment, still in full drag. He’s exhausted beyond words, and all he wants to do is get some sleep.

He expects to see a certain someone waiting for him at home, with a valid explanation and possibly an apology, but nothing. Not even the lights on. Just complete darkness, as if there was nobody living with him in the first place. Thinking about what happened during the day made Brock sigh heavily.

As he slipped all the garment off his body and went to the bathroom to wash up, Brock couldn’t help but feel worried. Jose couldn’t make it to his performance today, despite it being the very first one he was supposedly going to watch as a regular member of the audience and not a co-performer. They’ve planned it for weeks, but… Jose didn’t show up.

And it wasn’t for a good reason. He was initially on his way to see Brock perform, but he received a message from his mama asking for help with an urgent emergency. At least, that’s all he told Brock. And from that hour on, Jose was unreachable.

Brock was not only disappointed and worried, but he messed up with his performance. Most of the audience probably didn’t notice the little lapses, but being the perfectionist that Brock is, he was genuinely annoyed. It affected the rest of his set, and he didn’t like it.

Once he finished getting out of drag, Brock put on a tank top, his boxers, and just immediately jumped to bed. He missed Jose’s arms around him when they tucked each other in, but there wasn’t anything he could do. More than anything, Brock despised himself for being selfish. If it was really an emergency, he had no right to feel this way.

And he still did. “I really love that cookie monster this much,” he thought to himself before closing his eyes.

Not a minute later, he heard the door open. Not that it made much noise, because whoever entered the room was very careful not too make any sound.

But Brock heard it, and the footsteps that followed, up to the faint thud probably produced by a huge object, which he assumed was Jose’s bag, getting thrown to the couch. Soon, the relaxing sound of water flowing from the bathroom sink’s faucet was heard.

Brock didn’t move an inch, keeping up with his attempt to sleep peacefully. Yet as soon as a pair of arms wrapped themselves around his waist and pulled him close, he knew it was a battle he’d never win.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t come to watch you,” a tired, almost remorseful voice whispered into his ear. “Mama called me because she got into a small accident. But it’s well taken cared of now,” that person rested their head on Brock’s back, supplying the warmth he’s longed for the entire day.

“She fell, got some bruises and sprained her ankle. I brought my mama to the hospital and assisted her. I didn’t want to leave her, but she said I should go back and see you since I promised. I watched her until she fell asleep,” by this time, Brock’s heart was torn to pieces. He felt ashamed and guilty for feeling bad, when the person he loved had it worse. “She really loves you, and it made me feel bad for ghosting you. I’m so sorry.”

“Come here.”

Brock couldn’t resist it any longer, as he turned around to embrace Jose. The younger one was on the verge of tears, but Brock held him close to let him know he was loved and forgiven.

“You did what you had to do, and I feel bad that you felt bad about it because of me. I love the people that you love just as much as you do. There’s still plenty of chances for you to see me out there,” Brock planted a small kiss on Jose’s lips, and resting his head next to Jose’s as they shared the same pillow.

“Thanks. Would you mind… keeping me like this through the night? I need you,” Jose replied with faint crimson hues painted on his cheeks and Brock couldn’t be happier.

“I’ve been waiting to hold you like this for the entire day.”

And that’s when they decided that cuddling wasn’t only for movie nights, or the perfect culmination to dates and lovely evenings. It’s the perfect refuge world from a world overflowing with unexpected hurdles.


[A/N Thank you for 143 votes! If you have no one to embrace you after a long day, then I'm sending you a virtual hug! ♡ Nadine]

Always In Love With You // Branjie Drabbles (OTP Challenge)Where stories live. Discover now