✧・゚: * Twelve: Having A Lazy Day ✧・゚:*

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Note: I am messing up the timelines a little bit, with the latest episode airing just before the finale was shot. This one is for gitescaro, a good friend of mine who hauled me from that massive hole tonight. You rock. I love you. ♡

Brock and Jose were having a lazy Friday, just waiting for the latest episode of drag race to air. They both had their own reasons.

Jose was scared to watch that day come to life once again. In his mind, he didn't deliver to the best of his abilities, and he failed to lipsync when it msttered the most. He has gotten over it with Brock's help and has turned it around by supporting Brock for the upcoming finale, but to see that very moment come to life in television only to be replayed by the rest of the world countless times, memories of the past came back to haunt Jose.

Brock, on the other hand, was excited to watch the episode. He wanted to be reminded of how he could improve and use that critique for the upcoming finale. Sure, he's gotten his notes down, but nothing could beat Michelle's voice telling her to step it up.

They were always two separate ends, for as they say, opposites attract. But this time, Brock wasn't the one who needed solid ground. He wasn't the one overthinking, or trying to figure out a way to stop getting in his head. This time, he wasn't the one who needed help: it was the person he least expected it from.

Brock, who had just finished washing the dishes after a delicious dinner, climbed onto the bed and snuggled right next to Jose. He noticed that the younger one was staring blankly at his phone, continuously scrolling without reading a single thing. Brock immediately snatched it away from his hands, wrapping his arms around Jose.

Nobody said anything as they sat there, just trying to find comfort in each other's warmth like they usually do. Tears streamed down Jose's face as flashes of that day came to him, and the sensation of holding Brooke Lynn then was the same as embracing Brock now. It was the worst feeling in the world to him, losing what he always wanted, and tainting that chance by lipsyncing against the person he loved the most. He knew he was gonna go home with a broken heart then, either way.

Brock pulled Jose close as he came to realize how the younger one felt. Truth be told, he felt terrible for being insensitive and thinking only of himself when they made plans for the day. Brock offered to stay in bed with Jose until Friday ended and Saturday came to life, just as they initially planned, but without watching the new episode.

Right then and there , Brock felt his heart grow bigger for Jose, if that was even possible at this point. He came to understand him more, and how his mind worked in countless wonderful ways.

It operates far differently from what everyone thinks. 

Jose doesn't always have sassy comebacks prepared at the back of his mind, he has worries and the right jokes to cover them up. He doesn't always embody the character he's masterfully crafted, Vanessa Vanjie Mateo, because on most days, he has inner saboteurs to deal with. The confidence that Vanjie has, it's equal to the doubts that Jose keeps.

But seeing as he had Brock to cheer up, to cheer on, to have and hold... he made sure that Brock came first at the time he was needed by Brock most.

And this time around, Brock silenced all of his fears, his demons, his doubts and the troubles that came with all the pressure... just for Jose.

Brock held Jose in his arms closely, making sure that all of his intentions came across to the other. Brock let him cry on his chest, gently rubbing Jose's back as he poured his emotions out. Brock knew this was the least he could do, but little did they know...

Little did both of them know that they were growing together.

And on a lazy day, Brock and Jose both learned how it is to truly love someone, not only in times of happiness, not only when the cameras were rolling and people were watching, but in the smallest, darkest times that didn't matter to the rest of the world but them.


[A/N I had a pretty emotional night and it took a lot to get this down, but here you go! The beauty of this writing challenge, in my opinion, is that we have to write down something related to the prompt given, no matter how we feel. And out of the 30 days, some are bound to be happier than others, but it makes the the chapters even more special.

I wasn't up to writing any dialogue today, but I hope you still enjoyed this. I will continue to do my best, please support me until the very end. ♡ Nadine]

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