✧・゚: * Three: Patching Each Other Up ✧・゚:*

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"Oh, Brooke... I can't believe you called me all the way here after accidentally cutting yourself with a knife! What were you thinking?!"

"You just live next door, Vanj! Stop being so mean," Brooke pouted, but Vanjie was really frustrated to see her get hurt - even if it was only a scratch.

"Bitch you don't get to scream at me when you interrupted my lifelong plans of watching The Office. You scared the shit out of me when you yelled on the phone!"

"Awwe... that just means you care!" Brooke playfully poked Vanessa's cheek, causing the other to blush intensely.

"Whatever. What were you doing anyway?"

"I was making a meal! Things like these never happen, but-"

"How can you be so clumsy?!" Vanessa says in her signature cookie monster voice, making Brooke Lynn imitate her.

"How can you be so clumsy..."

"Shut up and tell me where your first aid kit is."

Brooke points to the corner of the bedroom, at a beautiful wooden box, where all her meds are stored. Vanjie starts by dressing the wound up, only to receive immediate complains.

"Argh, be more gentle!" Brooke yells at her in pain. Vanjie raises an eyebrow, amused.

"Nothing fazes you in the werkroom but a simple cut does? I don't think I'll stop learning new things about you ever," Vanjie smirks, but proceeds to treat the wound with equal force.

"You sneaky monster! Stop enjoying thi- grr..aahh! That hurt!"

"Calm the fuck down. I love you but Christine knows you're exaggerating, hun."

The next 5 minutes pass by not so smoothly, with Vanjie struggling to perform anything because of Brooke's whining. By the time she was cutting up the gauze, Vanjie was at her limit.

"That's too short, you have to-"

"Well, shit."

The two of them are stunned, dumbfounded even. Having lashed out on the scissor, Vanessa accidentally cuts herself with it.


"Nah, it's none of your fault. I was just stupid,"

Vanjie quickly wraps up her patchwork on Brooke Lynn. Once it's done, they both agree that Brooke should return the favor.

". . ."

"Aren't you hurt?"

"It's just a small wound, Brooke."

"But it's quite deep! I have to make sure this isn't inf-"

"Let's just get this over with before I lose my freaking mind over the smallest cut, please."

After 5 long minutes, Brooke is finally done. Her hands have been trembling the whole time, out of concern for Vanjie.

"Vanjie, you don't seem like the type to put on a poker face at this kind of stuff..."

"It just makes the other person uncomfortable. And I didn't think a small wound could get you so worried when you're stone cold in the workroom about anything."

"None of those drama mattered to me!"

"And this tiny tiny thing matters?"

"You matter."

Brooke Lynn plants a kiss on Vanessa's lips to solidify her point, earning a goofy smile from the latter. They continue to make fun of each other's reactions to the situation, but the smallest of things make hearts flutter the most.

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