✧・゚: * Two: Pet Names ✧・゚:*

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"Okay, okay..."

Vanjie can be spotted pacing around the dressing room, A'Keria seated right next to her. They're both preparing for a show, but Vanjie's distress is starting to annoy A'Keria. She's been walking around, spouting random nonsense for the past 15 minutes.

"Sis, let it go. What are you stressing about so much," A'Keria says calmly while applying some lip gloss.

"I can't calm down, alright? I cannot calm down!"

"Stop walking around like a worrywart," A'Keria replies with resolute, but Vanjie continues to make a big deal about 'it'.

"I thought you'd understand! You know that I gotta do what I gotta do, even if I gotta do what I gotta do when I shouldn't be doing what I gotta do!" Vanjie plops down on the couch next to A'Keria's station, ready to give up.

"Hold up, buttercup. I didn't understand a thing you just said, and you're exaggerating."


"Tell me," A'Keria takes a deep breath before continuing, like she's about to burst and is barely able to contain it. "What are you so concerned about?!"

. . .

"Don't laugh at me."

"I-... I'll try my best."

"Bitch, don't you dare laugh at me."

"You do realize you already have the funniest voice in the planet, don't you? It doesn't help."

"I'm not telling you then!"

"Ugh, fine! I'll try! I promise!"



"Brock has been a genius at giving me so many pet names but I'm a dumb whore who can't come up with one! Papi, Booboo, that's all him! I don't wanna disappoint miss thang!"


"Don't. Don't you even start-"

"Gurl, whaaaaaat?"

Before long, A'Keria bursts into laugher. It takes up a good minute before she recovers, tears forming at the corners of her eyes.

"Bitch, I'm gonna kill you."

"Nah, you love me too much."

*ring ring ring ring*


Vanjie's ringtone starts playing, and it's the one she knows by heart. Reluctantly, she picks up the call, only to be answered by a loud, cheerful greeting from the other end.

"PAPI!!! Guess where I am?!!"

"Give me that. I need to put a stop to this."

"No you're not, bi-" Before she can even protest, A'Keria snatches Vanjie's phone from her hands. She's greeted by Brock in Facetime.

"Huh? Oh... hey A'Keria! You're performing together, aren't you?"

"Yes, and your PAPI is stressing me out. She's going bonkers over giving you a pet name because you've already given her a couple and I cannot be bothered with this anymore. Gurl, get your lovey dovey shit together!"

"I-..." Brock is both surprised and amused by A'Keria's rapid weather report, so much that his jaw dropped right there and then.

"Whatever, I'll leave you two lovebirds to it," A'Keria shoves the phone to Vanjie before leaving.

"Look, you're getting the wrong idea-"

"Aren't you just the cutest?!"


"I was supposed to surprise you, but I didn't think I'd be the one getting surprised!"

"What in the hell are you talking about, Hayhoe?"

"I'll be there in 5 minutes for your show," Brock holds up a VIP ticket to the camera, making Vanjie squeal.

"You're kidding."

"Oh! We've arrived."

"You are crazy, crazy, craaazy, Brock."

"Crazy for you, booboo," Brock blows a kiss from the other side, and although Vanjie pretends to cringe from the excessive display of affection, deep inside she's flying. "We're going inside, just wait for me."


"And one last thing,"

"The reason I make up so many pet names for you, is because the whole world has made a meme out of your beautiful name and I just wanted to call you in a way that will only remind you of me. With or without pet names, you mean the world to me. Okay? love you. Now go kill 'em."

Brock hangs up, leaving Vanjie smiling like an idiot for the next couple of minutes.

Always In Love With You // Branjie Drabbles (OTP Challenge)Where stories live. Discover now