✧・゚: * Eleven: Drawing Each Other ✧・゚:*

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Note: This light chapter is dedicated to mateohytes, I hope it brings a little fluff to your Branjie heart today! ❤


"We're rolling, Queens!"

"Hello there, it's the Queen of the North, Brooke Lynn Hytes," said the lovely queen as she smiled at the camera, face beated for the gods.

". . ."

". . ."

Brooke and Vanjie were supposed to introduce themselves at the beginning of another video for Glamour, but this time, a special edition episode featuring just the two of them. This was brought to life by popular demand... but everything is going downhill. DOWNHILL.

". . ."

"Bitch, I love you, but you gotta say something," Brooke turned to Vanjie, only to find the younger queen staring at her.

"Oh, it's my turn?" Vanjie finally snapped out of the trance she was in, making Brooke Lynn burst into laughter.

"Can we redo this?" Still giggling immensely, Brooke turned to the camera director who was desperately trying to hold back their laughter.

"Sorry booboo, I was distracted by your beauty."

The sound director literally face-palmed as everyone in the studio squealed in unison at Vanjie's words. Brooke Lynn blushed profusely, while Vanjie playfully touched his reddened ears.

"Alright queens, let's get this show rolling..."

"What's up? This is Vanessa Vanjie Mateo-" Vanjie shifted towards Brooke Lynn, only to find the queen laughing again. "Hey! What are you laughing at again?!"

"I-... hahaha! I'm just surprised you didn't have to look at the card again to remember your name," Vanjie frowned

"Ya'll got me fucked up, I am going home."

It took another good five minutes to get everyone back on track, with Vanjie tossing and turning around the studio while whining in her signature cookie monster voice. All of the staff commented that this was the most they've seen Brooke talk and have fun, as she was excessively passive and looked genuinely over it in the previous videos.

"We're both here today as your power couple to play decisions with Glamour!"

When they were finally settled, a familiar pink toy car made its way across the table, delivering two paper scrolls to both queens.

"Alright, I'm the queen of reading so I got this," Brooke took both scrolls, elegantly opening one after the other.

"What does it say?"

"We can... draw each other with crayons, or do the chubby bunny challenge.

"You're setting us up, Glamour! Y'all just wanna capture me on camera choking me with those mallows! Where are the cookies?!"

"You heard the boss, we're drawing then," Brooke Lynn chuckled, pushing the little toy car back to one of the assistant producers.

A little later, one of the staff members handed Brooke and Vanjie their own sketchbooks and two boxes of crayons. Each box contained 12 pieces inside.

"This are kiddy crayons! What am I supposed to do with this?!" Brooke Lynn whined, making Vanjie smirk.

"Werk, bitch!"

"Okay, just to be clear before all of this ends up with my bawling on the floor, on my knees, with my mascara smudged... I love you, okay?"

"Whatever you say, booboo. Make me beautiful!"

"I can't believe I'm doing this on camera right now..."

The two fell silent, their attention focused on the task at hand. Vanjie took several glances at Brooke, admiring her features silently. However, the ballet queen kept drawing, not even sparing a look. This intrigued Vanjie more than she could explain. How did Brooke see her? She wanted to know.

With this in mind, Vanjie crafted the silhouette of a beautiful ballerina, imitating Brooke's stance. She made it colorful, playing with the basic hues on hand and blending it like she was applying makeup to her face. Before long, Vanjie was satisfied with her artwork.

On the other hand, Brooke was deeply fixated on her canvas, but couldn't think of anything to draw until the last minute. Finally, she settled with the first idea that came to mind and finished right at the nick of time.

"You're kidding me..."

Vanjie showed her artwork off, only to receive the biggest smile from Brooke Lynn. She was grinning from ear to ear, blushing even, and the simple yet beautiful composition made her Canadian heart flutter.

"Bitch, don't you cry on me!"

"This is beautiful! Can I take this home? I'm gonna frame it so we can put it on the wa-"

". . ."

There was an awkward silence.

For a few seconds,

and a couple more.

"Oops," Brooke timidly covered her mouth with her free hand, knowing well enough what she had just revealed.

"Now everyone knows where to find you at dawn..."

"Well, now you know!"

Brooke had just revealed that they were in fact living together, making everyone in the studio swoon a little. Even the director himself couldn't handle such display of affection.

"Okay, booboo. Let's see what you got!"

"You made me choose that just so you can flaunt how surprisingly good you are at drawing! You're gonna embarrass me!"

"Brooke, I love you, whatever you have there. Give me your best shot," Vanjie said proudly, still holding onto her masterpiece.

Brooke Lynn cautiously showed her piece, making Vanjie fall from her seat in laughter. Literally.


"I dunno... a chocolate chip cookie seems very fitting of you! Chunky, sweet..."

The whole crew were in tears at Brooke's reveal, not to mention the perfect comedic timing, just strategically after Vanjie showed her own work.

"I love you, Vanj."

"Well, at least that still looks like a damn fine cookie. I'd eat it," Vanjie joked, falling in love with Brooke Lynn just a little bit more.

And the video went viral after it was posted, breaking the internet.


[A/N This was so lame, but I had to do it before watching the new episode! I was spoiled to bits, but I guess that's better? I honestly have no idea, but this one is for sure. Y'all gonna read a oneshot on that soon enough! Nevertheless, I hope you liked this ♡ Nadine]

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