✧・゚: * Ten: Watching The Other Sleep ✧・゚:*

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Note: I cannot believe it, but this is our TENTH DAY together! Thank you so much for your support, and I hope that you will be with me to the very end of this journey!

The following chapter is dedicated to my Wattpad drag family, BoHoDyke_27 and DragIsTheGame! This also includes mxrtina04 and girlgoal ❤ . I know this is so random, but I just want to let you all know how much I love you! <3

Twinkle Toes ❤👣: Has your show started yet? sent 7:30pm 

Twinkle Toes ❤👣: I'm currently reading tweets about your performance and they're all very impressed! I'm proud of you, papi <3 sent 8:25pm 

Twinkle Toes ❤👣: Make sure you don't forget to come home immediately after the show! I'll be waiting. Take care. sent 9:30pm 

Twinkle Toes ❤👣: Are you alright? Did you have any booze? I can come pick you up. sent 10:00pm

Twinkle Toes ❤👣: Let me know when you're close. sent 10:15pm 

Twinkle Toes ❤👣: I love you, Jose. I hope nothing terrible happasedjflalks kwerolldlhkewrd sent 10:42pm| seen 10:43pm

Jose desperately held onto his phone, his heart racing to get home. Contrary to what expected, the show started very late because the fans have gotten out of hand. There was a big commotion outside, with some fighting each other. The queens couldn't start performing their sets immediately, which led them to wrapping up two hours later than previously expected. A few of the queens stayed behind to chat with the fans, but Jose couldn't wait to get home.

Truth be told, he was annoyed the entire night. All these hours wasted on using his phone to pass time could've been moments spent with Brock, but no. He had to deal with this, out of every other performer in Los Angeles. Great.

After many times of asking the driver to speed up, Jose finally arrived at his destination. He left a good tip, of course. Generously displaying gratitude for good service, Jose knows better than anyone else how hard it is to earn not people's extra money, but their hearts. And finally, he was home to see the one who mercilessly stole his.

Quietly opening the door, the first thing he sees is the diner table, situated just a few steps away from the small kitchen, completely jam-packed with delicious food. Two boxes of pizza, coke, a couple cans of beer, chicken, mashed potatoes, candy, and of course... the classic maple syrup. What was he expecting?

The generous display of food made him smile, but something was missing. There was nobody around to dining area to share it with. The joyful, but calm voice that welcomed him to a feast whenever there was an opportunity... it was nowhere to be found.

Jose silently placed his belongings onto the couch and made his way to the bathroom. In just a few minutes, he's completely stripped off drag, which has become a ritual to him. With every night that passed by, he beat his record time at taking his makeup off and going back to the reality.

While Jose was about to enter the bedroom, he was hit by an obvious idea that made him feel stupid. "Why didn't I think of it earlier?" he asked himself. Jose instantly made a run for the kitchen, storing all of the food into appropriate containers and bags before shoving a select few into the fridge.

It was his fault for missing dinner time, after all - and that's exactly what he thought. The least he could do was save the food, so they can still enjoy it tomorrow.

Satisfied with his work, Jose made his way to the bedroom. There, he found his angel, who had fallen to a deep slumber while waiting for him. Brock's phone was still beeping and text messages were brightly displaced , but the owner was long wasted in dreamland. This warmed up little Jose's heart more than he cares to admit, as he realized that the ballerina surely fell asleep while sending the last text he received.

To have yourself be the last thought on someone's mind before they drift off to sleep - it's not a gift everyone has.

Jose walked to the side of the bed, and was about to turn the lampshade off, when he looked back to Brock's peaceful sleeping face. He was bewitched in the fraction of a second, by his beautiful face and the serene aura that surrounded him in his slumber.

Jose examined every inch of Brock's defenseless being. He admired Brock's lovely eyelashes, and for a moment, he began to wonder why the queen even bothered to wear falsies. The rest of Brock's features, such as his perfectly sculpted nose and cheeks, made Jose believe that an angel was in is presence. Not to mention, his soft, plump lips that begged to be kissed... oh, how hard it was to hold back.

Jose decided to stare for a couple more minutes, making sure he has the image memorized in his head, before proceeding to do what he initially intended. After turning the lights off, he climbed onto bed and wrapped his arms around Brock, who was still sound asleep.

Like a child who secretly crawled their way to their mother's bed, Jose couldn't help but smile until he became victim of the night's embrace.


[A/N That was a quick writing session... but I hope you like it! I personally love watching the people I treasure go to sleep, because I feel that's when they are truly defenseless and trusting with me. It's personally not unusual for me to stare, and this is exactly how I visualize it to be for our power couple! We're already 1/3 into this whole journey and I cannot express how thankful I am for your support! Your comments never fail to make me smile during the day <3

Special mention to mateohytes who has been my biggest driving force for writing this part, that one tiny comment meant so much to me (the next one will be dedicate to you! <3) and my current favorite gay person FerociousLion840 who has literally taken up all of my writing time for two consecutive nights now. Not that I complain! XD I love you, and I can't be happier that you aren't a single pringle anymore haha. Both amazing people, go follow them! xx But bitch, in Adore's whiny voice, let it be known that I found them first! I found them first! Hahaha! ♡ Nadine]

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