✧・゚: * Four: Hospital Visits ✧・゚:*

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[A/N I'm sorry but this won't be in third person's point of view because it will mess up the direction I wish to take. Thank you for 500+ reads and 50+ votes♡]

Brock's POV

"Excuse me, may I know what room Vanessa Vanj- I mean... Jose Cancel is assigned to?"

"May I know your relationship with the patient? The patient is a public figure and we were asked not to -"

"I'm his boyfriend. My name is Brock Hayhoe."

"O-okay..." The nurse typed a few digits on the keyboard and the result displayed right after a couple of seconds.

I guess they don't recognize us... but that's a breath of fresh air.

"She's assigned to room 1043, which is just by the end of this hallway."

"Thank you," I give her a small smile before dashing to the direction of Jose's room.

I just got off my flight from Canada, and I immediately made my way to the hospital. I received a phone call from Jose's mother about what happened just yesterday and I didn't hesitate to book a flight during the last minute, rifht after I finished my show. She told me that the stage collapsed on Jose in one of his performances as Miss Vanjie and that he may need some assistance for the rest of the week because of a leg injury. I felt extemely bad for being so far away when it happened. I should've been there to comfort him.

Alright... okay... you can do it, Brock. He's not mad at you. He can't be mad at you. There was nothing you can do! Get it together. He'll be happy and surprised that you'rw finally here. You're doing the right thing.

Jesus, none of this is working. I need a stronger mantra.

Ah, I know! I should organize what I wish to tell Jose in my head, so I know exactly what to say in front of him. If I practice enough, I won't mess up. That's right, practices makes the absolute perfect!

"Boo... how are you feeling? Does your leg still hurt? Are you hurt anywhere?"

"I'm incredibly sorry for taking too long to see you. I booked a flight back to L.A. as soon as I heard you were injured."

"I'm not going anywhere for the next few days and I promise I'm going to takw care of you. You have no idea how worried and restless I was for the whole duration of the flight, and I can't stop thinking how badly you might have felt when the accident happen."

"I'm not going to abandon you, and we're getting through this together. If you need more time-"

My little speech is interrupted by someone opening the door to Jose's room from behind me, and when I realize who it is, I couldn't help but feel embarrassed. I've never blushed this hard my whole life.

"Papi, you make it sound like I'm dying of cancer or something! This is just a small injury, you idiot. Come here!"

He sets his crutches on one side of the door frame and leans in to embrace me. I give him the tightest hug I can manage. Jose rests his head on my chest, and I can only pray that the rapid beating of my heart conveys just how much I care for him.

"I'm so sorry this happened, you don't deserve any of this..."

"Accidents happen beyond our control! Stop being a worrywart already! I just need your help for the next few days, that's all. I will be fine, I promise!"


"Did you honestly think a small injury can knock down... Miss Vaaaanjie?"

I don't understand how he can still manage to laugh despite what happened, but Jose's strength reaches me and reminds me of just how much I love him.

"I love you so much, boo. You have no idea how happy I am that you're safe,"

"I know. Thanks for flying all the way back, and I love you more."

I hold him closer to me and plant a gentle kiss on his forehead. We stay like that for a few moments before binge watching The Office for the rest of Jose's stay.

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