✧・゚: * Fourteen: Geeking Over Something ✧・゚:*

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Note: The following contains Game of Thrones spoilers, but if you belong to the world's population who hasn't seen an episode like myself, go ahead.

As soon as Jose got home, Brock was irritable as ever. However, he didn't understand a single thing about Brock's rants, as like the rest of us, Jose belongs to the portion of the population who has never seen Game of Thrones before...

"Terrible terrible terrible!!!"

After just getting out of drag a couple of minutes ago, Jose immediately scooted over to Brock. The other made space for the younger queen in bed. Jose pulled Brock close, cuddling in his arms while Brock's attention was on the television.

"What are you so mad about, papi? Do I have to kill someone? Just tell me and we'll have them goons shipped from Puerto Rico," Jose said sarcastically while resting his head on Brock's chest, but it wasn't entirely a joke.

If anyone hurt Brock in the future, Jose wouldn't even think twice about it.

"You know what? Seasons 7 and 8 felt so... rushed! This is injustice," at that remark, Jose finally realized what Brock was talking about.

The ballerina kept going and going about why the show ended so badly, repeating again and again how it was an ending undeserved by avid followers of the franchise. Jose could only nod along and console Brock through his rage, but he can't deny the amusement that came from watching Brock get so worked up over a TV show.

Jose watched his eyebrows furrow in utmost concentration, the intensity in his brimming with anger. No, nothing was able to shake Brock this way in the workroom. "He must be hypnotized or something," Jose thought.

He enjoyed watching Brock rant for the first ten minutes, but little did Jose know that it would go on for the next hour. By this time, he was getting tired hearing about how Dany (which was really hard to listen to, as he kept thinking of Adore who's real name is Danny) imprisoned Ti...Tay...Tai... some-guy-whose-name-started-with-a-T when he was loyal to the girl.

Furthermore, Jose has to go through various discussions about Jon killing Dany, whoever Jon is, only to have this boy, Bran, become King. Who's Bran anyway? Why didn't Brock want him to be king? Did he rather the girl who imprisoned her follower or the guy who killed his lover? After a long hour of going back and forth, Jose had enough.

"And then they decided right there and then that Bran-"


"W-what did you just say?" Brock turned to Jose, his train of thoughts stopping abruptly.

"I said you're a geek," Jose smirked while shrugging, but in his head, he was already dancing in victory. Oh, how he wanted to go to bed 30 minutes ago!

"Oh no, you don't!" Feeling slightly offended, Brock proceeds to tickle Jose. They almost fall from the bed after playing like little children, ending up breathless.

"It's true! You're a big geek! I've never seen you get this worked up, and only because of a sho-"

"Only because of this decade's best show!"

"Woah woah woah, we know The Office is the best. That's the tea, honey."

"Aren't you a geek yourself?!"


Brock took hold of the remote, turning the TV off. He proceeds to wrap his arms around Jose, resting his chin on the top of the other's head.

"Thanks for listening to all of my rambles. I love you," Brock planted a kiss on Jose's forehead as they both melt into each other's embrace.

"I love you more, boo. Heck, we can kill this Bran right now if you said-"

"Let's go!!!"

"I was kidding!"

"Argh..." Jose pulled Brock closer, leaving a small kiss on his lips. It does the trick, washing every ounce of irritation he previously had. "Joke's on you. Remember you told everyone you only kissed me to shut me up?"


"Can we go to sleep now? I'm tired," Jose let out a big yawn, making Brock chuckle.

"Same here. Dream of me, okay?"

"With pleasure."


[A/N Tadah! I just saw Brock's tweets about GOT today and I was inspired to write this haha! Just like promised, I'm putting out another update later today to make up for tomorrow's absence. I hope you liked this chapter! Let me know what you think... but please don't go all Brock on me! I am naive Jose in this situation XD Thank you for reading ♡ Nadine]

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