Reaction to : You Blowing them a Kiss

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Mark would find it really cute but not have much of a physical reaction. He'd give you a small smile and blow you a kiss right back, accompanying it with a wink to suggest that if you wanted, there can be more real kisses you two can share later on.

 He'd give you a small smile and blow you a kiss right back, accompanying it with a wink to suggest that if you wanted, there can be more real kisses you two can share later on

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I know Jaebum is the too cool for school type, but he'd totally implode when he saw the cute little action from you. He'd find it so incredibly adorable and struggle to maintain his composure and not to break out into the biggest, goofiest smile. He'd eventually send you a smirk he hoped came off as sexy, hoping you kept up the cuteness.

 He'd eventually send you a smirk he hoped came off as sexy, hoping you kept up the cuteness

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Jackson would express his adoration right back in the most dramatic of kisses. While you'd kept it simple and blown him one since you were across the room, he'd run like an action hero right to you, leaping over furniture in the way and lifting you up. Honestly, he'd probably spin you around too, loving that you were laughing, and then finally pressing a loving kiss against your lips.

 Honestly, he'd probably spin you around too, loving that you were laughing, and then finally pressing a loving kiss against your lips

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It isn't exactly a secret that Jinyoung here is the king of savagery. You'd send him a smile and a kiss full of love, expecting a kiss back, or at least something cute. Jinyoung, however, would give you a questioning look and pretend to vomit a little, only to laugh quietly while seeing the mock offended look on your face.

 Jinyoung, however, would give you a questioning look and pretend to vomit a little, only to laugh quietly while seeing the mock offended look on your face

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Two words: eye smile. He'd break into the loveliest of smiles, his entire face showing his joy, from the curve of his lips, to the way his eyes crinkled in the corners. Honestly, if that's how he'd look at you after doing something cute, you'd be more than happy to keep it up.

 Honestly, if that's how he'd look at you after doing something cute, you'd be more than happy to keep it up

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For Bambam, the setting might matter a bit. If he's with his friends, he'd probably wink or do something else equally as flirtatious (and, perhaps, suggestive), but if he's in a more formal setting, he might get a little bit shy an just send you an appreciative smile.

 If he's with his friends, he'd probably wink or do something else equally as flirtatious (and, perhaps, suggestive), but if he's in a more formal setting, he might get a little bit shy an just send you an appreciative smile

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This little bean would turn red and start giggling. He found it really adorable, and it would be a lot to handle, so he'd just start laughing. He'd definitely send you a kiss right back  though, probably with the loveliest smile and a finger heart because he's a sweetheart like that.

 He'd definitely send you a kiss right back  though, probably with the loveliest smile and a finger heart because he's a sweetheart like that

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