Reaction to : Your Graduation Ceremony

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Mark would be a quiet kind of proud. He'd be proper and respectful throughout the entire ceremony, not wanting to be disrespectful by cheering too loudly when you were called up, but he would make sure that you could see him when your eyes skimmed the crowd. He'd give you the most reassuring of smiles, maybe an encouraging thumbs up, too. How proud he was of you and how much he loved you would be written all over his face. He'd sat there by your side through countless tears and anxiety-induced breakdowns over school, and it just made him feel like he was on top of the world to see you overcome all that and be handed your diploma.

 He'd sat there by your side through countless tears and anxiety-induced breakdowns over school, and it just made him feel like he was on top of the world to see you overcome all that and be handed your diploma

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Jaebum would make sure all his friends attended. He'd bring along practically everyone at JYP, all to be here and support you on this milestone of a day. When he saw your surprise upon noticing the staff and idols occupying many, many seats, he'd laugh to himself. When you turned to him with a grateful look, he'd mouth an I love you (which of course would NOT go unnoticed by his band mates). He'd do all he could to show you that everyone was just so proud of you and happy for you. 


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Jinyoung really values education, and so this graduation would mean so, so much to him. He'd pull out all the stops, starting from a big bouquet to give you once the ceremony was formally over, to making a reservation at the fanciest restaurant in town for dinner. He was thrilled that this was the start of the rest of your life. You were done school - now it was time to head out into the workforce. To try your hand at formal adulting. he felt a little like a proud parent at the thought of you starting a new, exciting chapter in your life.

 he felt a little like a proud parent at the thought of you starting a new, exciting chapter in your life

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Jackson would be the type of guy to make noise. Regardless of where he would be seated, he'd be cheering wildly for you, ensuring that you heard him loud and clear. He'd scream out a new compliment with every step you took towards the professor who held your diploma, yelling out everything from You look so good! to Have my children!. He'd make sure the whole world knew that this was your time to shine. He knew that he was being slightly embarrassing, but he couldn't help it; he just loved you that much and felt so happy seeing you with a diploma in hand.

 He knew that he was being slightly embarrassing, but he couldn't help it; he just loved you that much and felt so happy seeing you with a diploma in hand

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Youngjae would probably be the most normal of boyfriends in this event. He'd be polite enough for everyone else's names being called up, although when it was your turn, his cheers would get just a little bit louder and he'd smile just a little bit more. He didn't want to express the million and one emotions he felt at them moment in front of an audience. Rather, he'd want to wait until the ceremony was over, and pull you aside to tell you privately how proud he was of everything you had accomplished. He'd be smiling all day long, showing you extra affection.

 He'd be smiling all day long, showing you extra affection

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Bambam would really make you wonder if he's an idol or a photographer. He'd bound in with a professional grade camera, taking pictures and videos of you the whole time. He'd constantly post updates on social media  with the sweetest captions, though you didn't get to see them until after the ceremony. His cheers, like Jackson's, would be loud, although they'd trail off as he focused on the angles he was getting. he wanted to document this day forever, given how important it was to the both of you.

 he wanted to document this day forever, given how important it was to the both of you

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Yugyeom would be such an excited little bean! He wouldn't be able to contain himself, telling literally anyone he encountered, Hey, did you know my jagiya is graduating today!? He'd want the whole universe to know. He'd count down the minutes and seconds to your ceremony and honestly be the cutest hype man you could've possibly asked for. He'd constantly say the sweetest things to you throughout the day, and get all giggly when you'd shyly tell him to stop. He just couldn't help it if he was exploding with his love for you.

 He just couldn't help it if he was exploding with his love for you

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A/N : I've been getting kind of addicted to high school AUs off late, and I kind of want to create my own, with Got7:)) Should I do it? 

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