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Since the two of you had postponed your honeymoon at least three times on account of both your careers, finally being able to board the plane felt surreal. You'd gotten married a good eight months back, and finally you had landed the opportunity to really celebrate that, a thought that managed to fill both yourself and Mark up with excitement. You were so thrilled to finally land foot in Moscow, some place both of you had wanted to see for a very long time. While the sights and activities of the city played over in your mind, beside you, Mark was seated, satisfied to finally be able to give you this opportunity. 


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The decision process of where to go had been very extensive. Each of you two had strong opinions of where to go, and why; neither of you seemed very willing to back down, however. Fortunately, since you two were mature adults, you did the most reasonable thing a couple could do; you stopped by at a local book store, and sat in the travel aisle, pulling out and re shelving whichever tittles caught your eye, hoping with each one that you'd found some place you both could agree on. It all seemed hopeless until Jaebum pulled out an aptly titled book, Traveler's Guide to Croatia, and asked you to flip through it. You did as asked, feeling your hopelessness ebb away as you took in the stunning pictures of sights, food, and activities. You looked up at him with a big smile, the decision apparently made.

 You looked up at him with a big smile, the decision apparently made

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With Jackson, the destination honestly didn't matter much. He'd coined Brazil and you'd happily agreed, willing to see whichever place you could. Really, the only thing that counted was being with him. He made the places you went feel more alive than they already were. His small antics and inclination to clown around had you constantly happy and in love the whole time. Sometimes it was small things like recreating the pose of The Redeemer in front of him as you took a picture, or sometimes it was putting because he couldn't find seashells for the sandcastles you two had built together. He just made every day so much fun, and you knew that because of him, this honeymoon would be something you never would forget.

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