Reaction to : Getting Jealous

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Mark would be the quiet type of jealous. While you interacted with a certain male friend that seemed a bit too touchy with you for his taste, Mark would simply stand there quietly, not participating in the jokes and banter that you and your friend were engaging in. Even when you stopped talking to him and moved on to others, he'd stay silent, thoughts of all kinds running through his mind. Expect silent treatment when you get home, at least until you force him into a confrontation, and he confessed why he doesn't want to talk to you.

 Expect silent treatment when you get home, at least until you force him into a confrontation, and he confessed why he doesn't want to talk to you

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Jaebum would be a lot like Mark in the sense that he would be very quiet, although he seems the type to want to let your flirtatious friend know that you're not interested. He'd lazily wrap an arm around your waist, pulling you a bit closer to him than appropriate for a public setting, and watch the rest of the interaction in amusement with a smirk on his face, enjoying how you seemed slightly flustered, and how your overly up-close-and-person friend had lost all his bravado.

 He'd lazily wrap an arm around your waist, pulling you a bit closer to him than appropriate for a public setting, and watch the rest of the interaction in amusement with a smirk on his face, enjoying how you seemed slightly flustered, and how you...

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Fun fact : if you look up the word 'savage' in a dictionary, you'll see a picture of Park Jinyoung right beside it. Another fun fact : Jinyoung's savagery increased a hundredfold when he was jealous, which is exactly what he was now. He would not hold back, cutting straight to the chase with the man getting too friendly with you, putting him back in his place with a single cold remark. When that was said and done, he'd leave the scene to be on his own, not sure if he wanted you to follow him or not.

 When that was said and done, he'd leave the scene to be on his own, not sure if he wanted you to follow him or not

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Ice. Jackson would turn into complete and total ice. Normally sociable and pleasant, he would leave that all behind when he saw your 'friend' running his hand down your arm in a way that looked decidedly not friendly to him. He'd not hesitate to stand by your side and simply glare at the man facing you for as long as it took him to notice. He did not want to resort to violence, but he was rather close. He only hoped his last nerves would stay intact.

 He only hoped his last nerves would stay intact

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Youngjae wouldn't want to be aggressive to the man flirting with you, although he felt that he had more than enough reason to. Instead, he'd just talk endlessly, interrupting your conversation, and more importantly, steering your attention towards him. He knew reasonably that you could speak with whoever you pleased, and he had no say in it; but did you really have to pick someone who was shamelessly hitting on you? He'd try his best to speak over the other guy, not caring if he came across as rude or obnoxious, as long as you came across as taken.

 He knew reasonably that you could speak with whoever you pleased, and he had no say in it; but did you really have to pick someone who was shamelessly hitting on you? He'd try his best to speak over the other guy, not caring if he came across as ...

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So. Very. Clingy. The second Bambam noticed that he'd lost your attention, and lost it no less to someone who was evidently hitting on you, he would become very touchy. it would start with small, innocent, unassuming things like holding your hand, or wrapping his arm around your waist, although it would escalate into letting his hand wander, or using every pause in your conversation to whisper in your ear. The boy knew what he wanted, and judging by your responses to his touch, he knew how to get it, too.

 The boy knew what he wanted, and judging by your responses to his touch, he knew how to get it, too

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Yugyeom would flat out drag you out of there. He'd initially try to calm himself, repeatedly insisting in his mind that this was normal and reasonable and that he wouldn't have to fix anything because there was never any problem at all. Except, the totally was. Despite having had honestly tried, he'd lose the internal fight, nodding at the man flirting with you, asking if he could borrow you for a moment. He'd silence your protests with a pout, which once  you saw, you began to realize what had just happened.

 He'd silence your protests with a pout, which once  you saw, you began to realize what had just happened

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