Reaction to : You Wanting to Cuddle

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Mark would not waste any time. The second you gave him the big puppy dog eyes and opened your arms to him, he'd dive right into them, pressing the softest kisses against your neck. He'd happily ignore any pending responsibilities for the next hour or so, wanting to lie with his head on your chest, conversing about everything and nothing as he listened to your relaxed heartbeat. The only thing he loved more than cuddling with you was cuddling with you while having silly discussions, and since he had that, Mark was a happy camper indeed.

"Ah, you're too cute, you know that?"

"Ah, you're too cute, you know that?"

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Jaebum himself didn't initiate a lot of fluff-themed physical contact with you, but that did not mean he wasn't responsive to your invitation. So when you barged into the room, pushed his laptop off his lap and replaced it while burying your face in the crook of his neck, he'd smile really big and wrap his arms around you. He'd draw little patterns on the small of your back as you spoke softly, happy in your lover's embrace. Cuddled up against you like this, Jaebum could forget the rest of the world and get lost in his own. He lived for these moments, and they just made him love you that much more.

"I'd do anything for you if you asked me to."


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Jinyoung has always found you cute. Even when you were sick and surrounded with tissues and empty soup bowls like you were two weeks ago, that didn't change. He found you positively adorable, however, when you were shyly looking down at your sweater paws after having had asked him to cuddle, and so naturally he complied. He would gladly pat the spot beside him, snaking his arms around your waist immediately, pulling you as close to him as he physically could. He'd initiate small talk, a new cafe he'd wanted to try, Coco's latest antics that drove his friends up a wall, how he was halfway done writing the lyric of a new song. Small, meaningless things that sounded like music to your ears because you'd be lying if you didn't find your boyfriend just as irresistible as he found you.

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