Reaction to : Seeing You Cry

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A/N : See notes at the end of chapter:)


It would be very strange. One moment the two of you were simply lying in bed, talking, and the next you'd have a tear stained face. Mark would get incredibly alarmed, his first instinct being taking you into his arms. He wouldn't be one to try to coax your reasons for crying out of you, opting for silence instead, letting you talk at your own pace, whenever you were ready. He'd rock you back and forth gently, pressing the occasional kiss against the top of your head. He hoped his embrace made you feel warm and safe and loved, because the last thing he wanted was to see the love of his life so upset. 


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You would take Jaebum completely by surprise with your cries. For once he'd gotten home before you, his work day closing a little before your's. He figured you'd be happy to see him, maybe the two of you could have a lazy night in with a movie or two? What he didn't expect to see, however, was a crying you entering the house, and crying harder yet when you saw him. Like Mark, he's take you into his arms, although he'd likely try to talk to you ask well. He'd press ever so slightly, trying to find out what made you so upset, though his questions would cease immediately if you sobbed harder. He just wanted the best for the love of his life, and this really did hurt, to see you like this.

 He just wanted the best for the love of his life, and this really did hurt, to see you like this

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Jinyoung was happy. It wasn't often that he got to pick you up from work, though with his car in the parking lot of your work building, there was a big smile on his face as he sent you a text saying he was here. The smile, however, promptly melted as he saw your crying figure rush towards him. He didn't flinch as you flung yourself into his arms, holding you tight like it was second nature. He knew it would be in poor taste to try and ask you what happened if you could barely speak, so he did the next best thing; he sang. He knew his voice calmed you down, and so he did what he does best - singing. Instantly, the impact was clear. Your shaking ceased, giving way to light snivels. He'd escort you in the car, waiting for you to tell him what happened.

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