Reaction to : Seeing You for the First Time

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A/N : Requested by my wifey  @ILoveMarkYiEnTuan  :) I hope you liked this!x  Also, thank you all so much for your support about my course! I didn't expect all the well wishes, though each and every single one is appreciated and its really nice of you to take your time to assure me:) See end for more notes!


The first time Mark saw you would probably just be at a convenience store, in all honesty. Ramen is loved universally, and so naturally it was the one item the both of you had chosen to stock up on that day. He'd walk himself to the aisle, muscle memory leading the way, although he'd stop dead in his tracks when he saw you. Aside from it being unusual for people to be in the store at this hour, it was also unusual for people like you to be here. People who made his heart skip a beat and colour rush to his cheeks. Was he supposed to talk to you? Would you want to talk to him back? Despite his sudden feeling of nervousness, he'd stand beside you, reaching for the instant noodles, hoping if he turned to you and smiled, you'd smile back.

 Was he supposed to talk to you? Would you want to talk to him back? Despite his sudden feeling of nervousness, he'd stand beside you, reaching for the instant noodles, hoping if he turned to you and smiled, you'd smile back

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I need coffee I need coffee I need coffee. Coffee was the only thing on this leader's mind as he approached the cafe door. He had a long day of rehearsals and photoshoots with the boys, and he needed his daily fix of caffeine to be able to put up with their antics. He opened the door upon reaching it, being greeted with a semi loud thud sound and a yelp. It took him a second to process that he'd just opened the door into someone, and ended up hitting them. Immediately, he'd feel a rush of guilt as he darted towards you, hands touching you without him even realizing. He'd desperately ask you if you were okay as you held your nose and blinked, not quite looking at him. His worry persisted, and he kept mumbling out incoherent apologies until you finally turned to him with a reassuring smile. 

And suddenly, his need for caffeine had all but dissipated.

And suddenly, his need for caffeine had all but dissipated

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Jinyoung was a meticulous man, and certainly very career and ambition oriented. However, he was a firm believer that while he deserved respect and admiration for achieving whatever he wanted, so did the individuals who helped get him it, regardless of how small a role they played. This is why he always took great care to have friendships and rapport with everyone in the JYP office, from the custodians to the sound technicians, to the CEO. He had also been good friends with the receptionist, who he learned, one fine morning, no longer worked here. He learned it when he sauntered in with a Good morning, Yura!, only to note a pointed absence of Yura at the desk, and the presence of you. His eyes were comically wide and expression a bit sheepish as he took note of you chuckling slightly at his reaction.  You introduced yourself with a slight bow and a smile, not allowing any awkwardness. You extended your hand in greeting, and he took it, feeling like this may be the start of something other than friendship.

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