Reaction to : Your First Time

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A/N : Please know that this chapter is about sexual stuff and contains swearing, so if you're very young, or if you aren't comfortable reading this, then just a heads up!


Your first time with Mark, if it were to be summed up in one word, would be perfect. Mark seems like someone who has a decently high sex drive, but when you contrast that with the fact that he's an absolute gentleman and decently sensitive, then that makes for a great, comfortable atmosphere. He'd be on the lovemaking side as opposed to lustful fucking for your first time, taking his time to learn the nooks and crannies and dips and divets of your body. He'd happily let you be on top if that's what you wanted, since for him, the first time was all about you. He'd likely be the 'hands roaming all over your body' type since he wants to know everything and commit it all to memory.

 He'd likely be the 'hands roaming all over your body' type since he wants to know everything and commit it all to memory

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Now Jaebum literally couldn't stop exuding 'top' energy if he tried. But, with that being said, he understood that with the first time of the two of you taking this step as a couple came a lot of emotions and caution. You were putting a great deal of trust in him, and that definitely meant a lot to him, and so he would do anything in his power so that you didn't regret this. Expect a lot of compliments and long, lingering kisses that would leave you feeling tingly, and bubbly. He'd be sure to assure you and praise you all the way through, which would only confirm that you made the right choice in going all the way.

 He'd be sure to assure you and praise you all the way through, which would only confirm that you made the right choice in going all the way

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Jinyoung would probably be the person to ask "Are you absolutely sure?" the most out of all the members. While the others posed the question with genuine regard, this man would take it a step further because he understood that this was a big deal in any relationship. To him, sex wasn't just sex; it was a confirmation. It was a here is the part of me that I give away the least easily for you to have. Jinyoung would be hesitant in bed for the first time, asking a question with every caress and every glance. It didn't matter if you were a virgin or not with him, since he would be so completely delicate either way. It wasn't about hurting you with him; it was about trust. And trust him you did.

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