Yandere! Reaction to : You Talking to Another Man

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A/N : To give context to those who may not know what it is, a yandere is basically a lovesick individual who goes down a twisted, immoral path in the name of their perception of love, and often times they resort to violence and torturous techniques to keep the object of their demented affection by their side. I do NOT condone these types of relationships, nor do I think they're "cute" or "fun". I do NOT perceive Got7 to be the types of people to become yanderes. Any yandere themes here are only for the sake of entertainment. This chapter contains gory imagery and generally mature content, so if you're under 13, maybe you don't want to read this?


Oh, how unfortunate. Really, that was the only way Mark could describe the smile on your face as you animatedly spoke to the other man. Evidently, you didn't know Mark was here - if you did, there would be no way that you'd do something so silly. Now there was nothing in his face that told Mark he was a threat, but you just looked so happy interacting with someone who wasn't him, and that was a problem. He'd told you hundreds of times that he was all you needed, and yet you never really listened to him, did you? His stupid, weak little prince(ss) thinking (s)he was so brave. Maybe he'd teach you otherwise tonight. 


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All Jaebum really did was click his tongue when he saw laughter light up your features. You looked so beautiful that he allowed himself a moment to bask in your loveliness, though the ugly feeling of annoyance kept persisting. Pets were supposed to be obedient and loyal, and here you were, being neither. Beautiful but stupid is what you were, what you'd always been. Of course you needed someone like Jaebum to protect you from the evil intention of the world, and if he needed to punish you in order to get you to listen, then so be it. he hoped for your sake that you weren't too fond of human interaction, for he was fully planning on barring you from it for the next two weeks.

 he hoped for your sake that you weren't too fond of human interaction, for he was fully planning on barring you from it for the next two weeks

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Didn't you understand that it hurt him when he had to punish you? Your whimpers and pleads were falling to ears that pretended to be deaf, though he heard every little noise you made. He wanted to wipe your tears, to kiss you, but you'd let him down. He had to punish you, even if it wasn't something he enjoyed. You'd sealed your fate when you spoke to that man, didn't think once of how dumb it would be. For good measure, Jinyoung only tightened his grip on your wrist, cementing his own resolve as he did so. He'd have to break you a little before you would listen, and he would do it, if need be.

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