Reaction to : You Seeing Childhood Pictures of Them

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Mark would get very quiet. When his own siblings betrayed him like this, what would he say? He'd cringe slightly every time they unearthed a new picture of him in his earlier days, although he'd be lying if he said he didn't love the way each photo brought a smile to your face. While it was somewhat embarrassing, he found it to be well worth it when the curiosity would light up in your eyes for every time you asked for a story behind a picture.

 While it was somewhat embarrassing, he found it to be well worth it when the curiosity would light up in your eyes for every time you asked for a story behind a picture

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Jaebum would be slightly frustrated that his parents decided to break out the old, dusty album today of all days, and more frustrated yet that they were showing you exclusively pictures of him. Though he was certainly slightly annoyed, he loved seeing how well his mother and his partner got along. To see the two most important people in his life curled up and laughing like no tomorrow was the most beautiful sight to him, even if it was at the expense of his baby pictures being revealed.

 To see the two most important people in his life curled up and laughing like no tomorrow was the most beautiful sight to him, even if it was at the expense of his baby pictures being revealed

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Jinyoung would honestly try to distract you the whole time. He was sure the pictures only really seemed bad to him and not to anyone else, but that did nothing to console him. So every time someone picked up a new picture and brought it to your attention, he'd get very talkative and try to engage you in some way, shape or form. When he ultimately would lose and let you look at the photos, he'd pout until you'd promise to not talk about it, ever.

 When he ultimately would lose and let you look at the photos, he'd pout until you'd promise to not talk about it, ever

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Jackson would honestly have the exact same reactions as you. He'd be curious himself to learn about the stories he'd long since forgotten behind each snapshot, and have a funny reaction for all of them. He'd love sharing his past with you, as it was just another way of giving even more of him to you, the person who was the centre of his world.

 He'd love sharing his past with you, as it was just another way of giving even more of him to you, the person who was the centre of his world

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Youngjae would get really flustered and shy. For the most part, his pictures would be decent. Snapshots of him winning awards. Graduation ceremonies. Family friend weddings. But for those slightly less acceptable ones, this bunny would hide his face him his hand and groan a little. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, so he didn't want to intervene, so he would patiently sit through it, feeling the occasional cringe. You pacifying him by insisting that they weren't bad certainly helped, though.

 You pacifying him by insisting that they weren't bad certainly helped, though

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This little bean would totally own it. Embarrassing pictures in which he's missing teeth and has a weird expression? No problem. Pictures in swim trunks from when he completely lacked a built physique? That's nothing. Pictures in which his fashion sense needed an intervention? Easssyyy. These were all parts of Bambam that made him who he is today, and so why wouldn't he own it? Plus, he was totally planning on asking your folks about your pictures as a kid when he visited.

 These were all parts of Bambam that made him who he is today, and so why wouldn't he own it? Plus, he was totally planning on asking your folks about your pictures as a kid when he visited

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Giggle. Through. The. Pain. Yugyeom's sole battle tactic would be to laugh everything off. He'd be acutely aware of how red his face was, but he was willing to ignore it if you were. He'd pretend like he wasn't at all embarrassed by any photo on the table, and like he was proud of them all, but which kid doesn't take pictures they want to bury in their yard as an adult?  In Yugyeom's case, most of them seem to match that description, and so he'd just laugh and hold your hand like nothing he saw bothered him.

 He'd pretend like he wasn't at all embarrassed by any photo on the table, and like he was proud of them all, but which kid doesn't take pictures they want to bury in their yard as an adult?  In Yugyeom's case, most of them seem to match that desc...

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