Reaction to : You Straddling Him

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A/N : Hey there, everybody! Please be sure to check out the ending of this update for detailed notes. This was requested by Janna, and I hope you like it. If you wish to request something as well, please leave a comment:) Also by nature of the reaction, this update will be a bit suggestive though not overtly sexual, so if that's not something you're comfortable with, just a fair heads up.


Okay I can physically see the scene unfolding. Mark would be strewn across the living room couch, every last bit of his attention on whichever game it was he seemed to be playing with such intent. Really, you'd never before seen a look of such complete focus on him before. Considering how he had yet to acknowledge you, you may as well not be in the room. You sighed, a little more melodramatic and loud than you had to, though it did nothing to change his lack of attention on you. You cleared your throat, only to be met by the same result. You didn't want to accept defeat, so you resorted to calling his name. Once, twice, Thrice. He still didn't respond.

Clearly, there was only one option left.

On you marched, casting side his controller, watching his sputter in indignance. You ignored it, wrapping your legs around his hips with intention, smirking as you caught a glance at the expression on his face. By the looks of it, you finally had his attention.

 By the looks of it, you finally had his attention

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There were many things you liked about dating Jaebum. Deep talks, effortless understanding of each other, and the same sense of humor were just a few. However, one thing you didn't like was having to compete with work. It was no secret that he was a hard worker, and you loved that about him. He put his heart and soul into his music, and it always showed, and you were proud to call a man like that your own. But when the two of you were supposed to be enjoying a studio date, and he seemed to be focusing more on the notepad on the desk, it got a bit frustrating.

He would still be trying to engage with you as he worked, although it was obvious that he just wasn't present, and nor was he going to be any time soon. So, you did what any reasonable partner would do, and plopped yourself on his lap, your legs surrounding him. Your body blocked the notepad, keeping him from writing anything else, though with the way his hands had stopped dead, it didn't look like he was going to. You straddled him with an innocent look on your face, as if the intended effect on him hadn't happened, enjoying his surprised face.

 You straddled him with an innocent look on your face, as if the intended effect on him hadn't happened, enjoying his surprised face

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