Reaction to : You Getting Scared During a Horror Film

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Mark would initially get really alarmed by the yelp you let out, and then soften straight away when he felt your face buried in his arm. He wouldn't be able to help the smile that took over his face as he pulled you closer to him, pushing your hair out of your face lovingly. He'd think it was just too cute how you acted when you were scared.

"Is everything okay, love?"

"Is everything okay, love?"

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This bugger 110% picked a horror movie for the two of you to watch with this exact intention. He would know you'd hide from the screen, and what better place to hide in his chest? Nevertheless, he adoringly would run his hand through your hair with the other on the small of your back. He'd face you, ignoring the film altogether now.

"I'm right here, Jagi."


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Jackson, though normally an extroverted and dramatic person, would likely be really delicate with you here. If you felt the need to physically hide yourself with him, clearly the film was really getting to you, and that hardly seemed like a romantic moment or one he could tease you about. Instead, he'd put his arm around you and press a kiss to your forehead to cry and calm your over active heart a little.

"Babe, we can watch something else. Or we don't have to watch movies at all, if you don't want to."


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Jinyoung is a practical, practical man. Naturally, since this is the case, watching horror movies is a cakewalk for him. It's a piece of fiction, and he'd honestly be more curious about the costume design and the like, and was just about to ask you, when you launched yourself headfirst into him, eyes shut and leaning into his chest. He was a little surprised that it got to you that badly, and he would likely say as much. Expect more confusion from this boy than sympathy.

"Honestly, how much money do you think goes down the drain every time they have to stain a costume with fake blood?"

"Honestly, how much money do you think goes down the drain every time they have to stain a costume with fake blood?"

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Youngjae himself would be slightly horrified with the subject matter on the screen, watching with an openly disgusted expression. It was appalling, what he was seeing, but he just couldn't look away. That was, until, he got all but jumped on by you. It took him mere seconds to realize you were trembling against him because you were scared, and this soft sunshine melted completely, pausing the movie and whispering comfortingly to you, making sure his lips tickled the top of your ear, just 'cause he knew the sensation made you giggle.

"It's not real, baby. Just a movie. You're alright."


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Bambam is the second youngest of the group of boys, and sometimes that shows, this instance being one of them. When you yelped at what the T.V was showing and hid your face in his neck, he was initially a bit surprised. He did, however, put two and two together and realized that Jason Voorhees here scared you. He knew full well that it wasn't an appropriate reaction, but he wouldn't be able to stop himself from laughing. He'd try to comfort you between giggles, but it was just so very funny.

"J-Jagi calm down" 

"J-Jagi calm down" 

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In all honesty, Yugyeom himself would be a little scared. However, that would all completely go down the drain when he saw how you latched onto him at a particularly gruesome scene. He'd take your hands as he saw your eyes tightly shut, and kiss each eyelid to try and comfort you, hoping the physical contact would help relax you a little.

"Its alright, yeah? Just breathe."


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