Reaction to : You Giving Birth

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A/N : I know, I know - NOT gender neutral, and I'm sorry about that:( Again, I promise there'll be very few like this!


Mark would be a calm and steady rock. He'd have impeccable instincts, knowing exactly what to say or do in order to ease you the best he could. He'd also be spot on with his timing, on tasks the second the doctor would assign them, or spanning the hall to update your family outside, and being back with you in mere seconds. He'd be calm and patient, loving and encouraging you throughout the entire process. He'd probably be the type to let you hold his hand regardless of how hard you squeezed, and not show a single pained expression. Even if his knuckles would be bruised by the end of it, he wouldn't say anything. His focus would be on you and this baby, and nothing else. When you finally complete your delivery is when he'd start showing more emotion and relaxation again, melting at the sight of his soulmate and child together. He'd be so ready and excited for every tomorrow to come.

 He'd be so ready and excited for every tomorrow to come

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Jaebum is normally a calm and collected man, as he very well needs to be. However, when it came to you writhing and yelping in pain, it would go all out the window. he'd be panicked and worried, eyebrows drawn and spelling concern. He'd wince with your every cry, trying to say encouraging things throughout. He'd look to be in the same amount of pain as you through every second of the delivery, and the smallest of changes would have him screaming for the doctor. He'd be desperate to help, scrambling all over the place to do something, anything, to lessen the pain you were experiencing. He knew he loved and wanted this child more than anything, but right now he was just worried about you.  Once the child had been brought into this world, however, he'd be ecstatic. He would not leave your, or his child's side, and he would fall in love all over again every time he looked at either of you.

 He would not leave your, or his child's side, and he would fall in love all over again every time he looked at either of you

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Jinyoung would be completely ready. He'd have spent the past few weeks reading up all about childbirth and the things he can personally do to help, what to expect when he's in the room, how to calm you down and diffuse the inevitable sense of anxiety. All his studying would not go to waste; he'd be so prepared that he'd seem more qualified than the doctor. He'd be on commands before the medical professionals would have time to so much as open their mouths, expertly doing the tasks they needed done. It was certainly an emotional time for him, but you were the priority right now, and that's all there was to the situation. However, once you had delivered, he'd let the paternal instincts take over and immediately hug you and the newborn, taking joy in the precious moment.

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