Reaction to : Moving in With You

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Mark would be super excited! The two of you were always at each other's places even before this, so it felt really natural to take this step next. You'd been together for a few years now, and so he didn't have to think too much about making this decision. He kind of just knew, like he did with most things that had to do with you, that it was all going to be okay. Anything having to do with you always ended up being okay.

 Anything having to do with you always ended up being okay

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Jaebum would be a little bit nervous about the move. He knew, despite how much the two of you loved each other, that there were a lot of things you had differing opinions about. He knew that this would definitely change your relationship, and though most of him felt like you were ready for that change, a small part persisted on with its insecurities. Still, it wasn't enough to make him change his mind; he wanted this, because he wanted you.

 Still, it wasn't enough to make him change his mind; he wanted this, because he wanted you

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Jinyoung would be maddeningly domestic. He would be the type to immediately switch to husband mode, taking a great amount of joy in the small things, like waking up beside you in the morning, or noticing that there were two tooth brushes instead of just one. He'd be the type to enjoy every small nuance of this new installment of his life, and he'd do anything and everything to make sure that you liked it just as much.

 He'd be the type to enjoy every small nuance of this new installment of his life, and he'd do anything and everything to make sure that you liked it just as much

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Jackson would probably be the most receptive to the fact that you had left your house to move into his, and that you were in a place that involved a lot of change in terms of lifestyle. He'd be incredibly considerate about that, making sure that you were not the only one sacrificing things. He'd be happy to talk through compromises with you. His goal would be a simple one; to have a sense of harmony and a natural rhythm to your cohabitation, and he would work very hard to ensure that it comes to be.

 His goal would be a simple one; to have a sense of harmony and a natural rhythm to your cohabitation, and he would work very hard to ensure that it comes to be

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Moving in with Youngjae was like two big steps in one; the first being the moving in, and the second being having a child. You were essentially the second parent of Coco from hereon, an added layer of responsibility that you honestly enjoyed. Youngjae would likely be understanding of that, and make sure you're slowly being eased into this new life. He would be happy with how naturally you were taking on your new roles, and happy that you two had taken the plunge.

 He would be happy with how naturally you were taking on your new roles, and happy that you two had taken the plunge

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Bambam would constantly be excited about the move. He'd be thrilled for every little thing, from moving your stuff into your apartment, to handing you a second pair of keys. Given how young he is, this would probably be the first time he's even considered something like this (let alone actually go through with it), and so it was just as new to him as it was for you. He'd want to celebrate the small things, and the big; he'd just want to celebrate the two of you.

 He'd want to celebrate the small things, and the big; he'd just want to celebrate the two of you

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Yugyeom wouldn't change much in terms of how he treated you. He'd always been a respectful man who was good to you, and he'd stay like that, though the small little actions that didn't involve direct interaction would show his thoughtfulness. He'd already have the bed stocked with extra pillows the way you liked, would have a vanity set up for you in the room, would clear off a section in the washroom for your products. In the small things he did, he would reassure you of the fact that you made the right decision.

 In the small things he did, he would reassure you of the fact that you made the right decision

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