Reaction To : You Saying "I Miss You" to Them

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It was always hard being away from you. Given that the both of you were in a committed relationship and that you relied on each other a lot, him going on tour was always bittersweet. Of course the part of him that loved performing and meeting new fans and people completely lit up, but the part of him that loved and belonged to you always felt sad. However when you told him the three simple words, I miss you, all of him just kind of felt the loss of you. He loved you so much, and he really would've loved having you with him.

"I miss you too, beautiful. I miss you so, so much."


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Jaebum is a person that doesn't talk a lot about their emotions or like to express them directly. He much prefers making art from him feelings, which is exactly why he was here, on tour, performing those pieces his feelings had inspired. But when you told him how much you missed him, a new wave of emotions seemed to swallow him and he sighed. In one of those incredibly rare moments, he said outright how he felt.

"I miss you too, a bit more with every passing day."


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To Jinyoung, it was important to be pragmatic, but what about love was? Nothing, that's what. And there was nothing pragmatic about feeling like a big part of him was missing from him all the time, either. He missed waking up to smell of you cooking in the kitchen, and tiptoeing out of bed just so he could surprise you with a backhug. He missed the taste of your lips with every delicate goodnight you'd say to him. Damnit, because he just missed you. And when you told him how you felt, the dam broke a bit.

"God I miss you too. So much. You have no idea."


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