Chapter 1 - The New Kid

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I sat down at my desk waiting for my math teacher, Mr. Williams, to come back to class. He was outside talking to the principal and our new student. After about five minutes he finally came back in with a boy with jet black hair and green eyes. Mr. Williams said, "Class, this is Damian-"

He got cut off by some girl named Rachel, "Damian, as in Damian Wayne?" With every word more excitement was shown in her face.

Damian sighed, "Yes, my father is billionaire Bruce Wayne."

There were several gasps, "Would anyone like to show Damian around the school? You would get a hall pass and would skip this period." Mr. Williams said. All the girls' hands went up, except mine. "Eva, how about you?"

I sat up straighter, "Uh, er, um." Was all I could get out.

"Miss Eva is that a yes or a no?"

I guess you should learn about me before we continue. My name is Eva (pronounced like Ava. My mom likes unique spellings) Isley. I've got my mom's green eyes and natural red hair. Freckles dot my nose and under my eyes. I don't have a hint of green skin like my mom does. That would be awful. I just turned 15, and I'm in the 9th grade. I'm not that popular. I've only got one friend but I know everyone in school, they don't know much about me though. I've always been the teachers' pet and I love to read.

I look back to Mr. Williams, "That's a yes, sir."

"Good. Damian, go follow Eva out the door."

We made our way down the hall. I showed him the Math Hall, English Hall, and Science Hall. We were in the Social Studies Hall when Damian interrupted my tour, "So Eva," he said with no emotion, "you got a last name?"

I hesitated for a moment. What kind of question was that? "Yeah, it's Isley."

"Why didn't you raise your hand to give me the tour?" His tone sounded like he was interrogating me.

"I don't know. Just didn't want to make it look like I was a gaga crazy girl about you."

"Fair enough," was all he said.

We were in the Elective building part of the tour. "Electives are your extra classes that aren't core." I explain, "As part of freshman year you will have to have one elective for P.E. which is on the other side of the school. Besides P.E., you do get two other periods for an elective. All electives are in this building. On the far left is where the girls' gym is. The far right is where the boys' gym is." Just then the bell rang. Everyone started coming out of the classrooms. Damian grabbed arm and started running down the hall. "Damian what are you—"

"As you put it 'gaga crazy' girls are after me." Sure enough a group of girls were running after us. Luckily we had our stuff and could get to our next class fast.

"Quick what's your next class?" I ask.

"Mrs. Figgs, Science, room 104."

"Good, that's my class too."

We made it there a few seconds before the tardy bell rang, we got stopped a few times. The whole class was staring at us. I mean we did just run into the classroom. I sat down in my usual seat; right next to my best friend, Olivia.

Olivia's got blonde hair and brown eyes. She dyes her hair blonde, it's originally light brown. We met back in 3rd grade. We have many similarities and few differences. Besides, she's the only one who knows my secret.

"Class, please welcome Mr. Damian Wayne," Mrs. Figgs said.

"Welcome Damian Wayne," the class said in unison.

"Damian, please take a seat there," Mrs. Figgs said. Our class is set up with three rows of tables and four in each row. Two people can sit at one table. I sit in the front, middle row on the right, Olivia sits next to me. Damian's seat was in the right, front row. He would sit on the left side of the table. We were basically sitting beside each other with a gap in between.

The guy beside Damian is named Mason. He's the captain of the football team. They started talking; by "they" I really mean Mason. Damian only listened.

The rest of the day went by slowly. Besides elective classes, Damian and I had the same schedule. It was the end of the day and the last bell rang. I was talking to Olivia when a group of girls started screaming and running to a limousine. It had to be Damian's. I just hope this isn't going to be like this the rest of the year. Girls screaming over a guy.

I took the bus home.

When I got there I opened the door and saw plants. It might sound crazy but it's part of my life. I guess it's time for you to know my secret. My mother  is Poison Ivy. She's hasn't really gone outside in a while after Batman defeated her once. She was once Pamela Lillian Isley, a botanist  after she helped steal an Egyptian artifact, her employer, Marc LeGrande, thought she knew too much. So he attempted to kill her using poisonous herbs. She survives and is now immune to natural toxins and diseases. That's not all. She also likes to lure men in and kill them. She has a deadly touch and an even more deadly kiss, or that's how she puts it.

She was just a few days pregnant with me when the whole incident happened. I got some of the same powers. I'm immune to natural toxins and diseases, and I can grow plants just about anywhere in the world. I have better control of my powers that she does. That's why the house is full of plants but my bedroom and bathroom are not. I do not have the poisonous touch, thank goodness. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm pretty sure I can stop, cure, some of her poisons.

Anyways, I walk in and see plants. My mother was at the center of it all. "There's my wonderful daughter," she said once she saw me.

She never says I'm a wonderful daughter. "Uh mom, are you feeling okay?" I ask.

"Perfectly fine. Better than okay. It's time for Poison Ivy to show her face back to the public eye of Gotham City. And you're going to help me.

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