Chapter 29 - I Take A Fall

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I held a clipboard and pencil in my hand as I went around Wayne Manor seeing what last minute arrangements needed to be done before the wedding tomorrow night. Bruce and Mom had decided to put me as the wedding organizer since, well, I'm organized, and I didn't really have anything else to do.

The sun had just set and there was still so much to do. I ran to the kitchen to find the cooks were preparing the side dishes and baking the cake. The main meal would be cooked tomorrow so it would be hot for the guests. The cake would get baked tonight, frosted in the morning, and set in the fridge until the reception.

"Keep up the good work," I said as I checked "cooks" off of my list.

I walked to my mom's bathroom. Her bathroom that's in the Wayne Manor, that is. She told me earlier to unpack all of her hair products so the hair dresser could start as soon as she came tomorrow. I unpacked the hair spray, curler, straightener, clips, my mom's wedding vail, and . . . a string of roses. Five rose buds were strung between green coil, like a stem. A sticky note said "Eva" on it indicating it was for my hair. That's when it clicked. I had seen dress somewhere before. It was the same shade as my jumpsuit for Poison Oak. The roses looked like my crown only on a smaller scale. I could wear any of it. It was almost like my mom was taunting me about my heroine self.

"Eva," my mom called over the intercom, "are you done with the hair products? I need you to hang the dresses up in your room!"

I held down the button to speak. "Sure, Mom. Where are they?"

"The front door. Hurry! Bruce doesn't need to see."

She told me to hurry. I walked really slowly. I reached the front door in five minutes. Some delivery boy was holding the dresses in bags.

"Thanks," I said. I shut the door behind me with my foot.

I took the dresses up to my room. It was the same room I had during Christmas. I hung my dress in the closet and my mom's dress on the door hanger. I looked outside of my window to see the wedding decorators were out in the lawn. They still hadn't even started on the inside stuff yet.

"I need you guys to be inside preparing the reception room. I can take this part," I said when I reached outside.

"But, Miss, we're almost done," one of the men said.

"I've got this. I can finish off for you."

"Yes, ma'am." The workers scurried away back inside.

I picked up some chairs and began unfolding them into lines. Each plastic chair would be covered by a white cloth later. I was on my second row when I heard a dog bark. I looked up and saw Damian with Titus.

"Need a hand?" Damian asked.

"Yeah. Can you start placing the cloths on the chairs? After that I'll need you help setting up the aisle."

He began working on the decorations of the chair while I set up the remaining. I only had a couple more rows until I finished. Waiting around for Damian to be done, I wondered why there was going to be a wedding outside in the winter. Even with a jacket, I was freezing my butt off.

"Done," Damian said.

"Not yet. We need to hang the drapery over each row."


I gave a faint smile. "The drapes. We have to hang them above each row. We start by twisting some extra fabric on the columns. Then, we bring up the fabric and hang them from the flower-ball hooks. Simple."


I pulled the drapes closer to us. I started twisting the drapes onto the columns that were set up for the wedding. I watched Damian do the same thing. I walked over and grabbed the latter. I set it up as close as I could.

"You should move that latter," Damian said from the bottom of the latter.

"I'll be good," I said. I started climbing the latter even more.

I was a few inches off from the hook. I stretched out my arm as far as I could so I could reach it. I had to get on the foot off of the latter. I placed the drapery on the hook. Unfortunately, as I placed the drapes on the hook, I lost my footing and fell. I wasn't so high up that I could kill myself or do serious damage; just high enough to break a bone. I let out a quick "Yelp" and closed my eyes before free falling.

I felt Damian catch me. I felt his muscles contrast as he moved. The smell of his natural odor was far more greater than any cologne on a guy. I opened my eyes and met his beautiful, emerald green eyes. My cheeks became hot.

"Damian, don't get all lovey dovey!" came a voice.

Damian placed me on the ground. I looked and saw Tim Drake admiring the decorations.

"Watch it, Tim," Damian warned.

"Tim!" I beamed. "While you're here you can help!"

"Why?" he asked.

"Because you're here."

"Look at the time. Gotta go." Tim started rushing off.

"Hold it, Drake!" I shot a small root up from the ground. He didn't expect it. He tripped but quickly regained his balance.

"Fine!" Tim walked over and started grabbing the drapes. Damian was laughing at Tim.

"What are you going to do, Missy?" Tim asked.

"I'm going to roll out the carpet," I responded.

The white carpet was rolled up in the front. I pushed the carpet with my foot. I rolled it out until I hit the latter. I glanced up and saw Tim hanging the drapery as Damian was holding down the latter. I waited for Tim to move the latter before rolling the carpet back out.

"Good work, guys," I said when we finished. "Tim, you can go now. I need to talk to you, Damian."

Tim had a smirk on his face as he walked off. Damian kept saying "It's nothing like that," at Tim all night. I thought about what Alfred said. How he's never seen Damian act the same way to others as he does to me.

"What's up?" he asked.

"I think . . . I think my mom is going to kill Bruce. Like, for his money and stuff. He's never kept a person this long before without some motive." His expression was neutral, but I could see some fear in his eyes. I continued. "I have a plan that could stop her before the wedding began."

"Go on."

I told him my plan. I didn't know if it was a good one, but it was one that could stop Poison Ivy for good.

"If you think you really want to do this then go ahead," Damian said after I finished explaining my plan.

"I'm ready. It's time Poison Ivy was stopped once and for all."

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