Chapter 30 - The Big Day

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My wet hair soaked through my shirt and dripped down my back as I walked around the house. I entered the reception room. The same drapery that was outside was also in this room. Each piece of cloth was draped from the bottom corners of the room to the center where they hung from the same flower-like ball as outside. Tables covered by white tablecloths lined three fourths of the room. The rest was left open for the DJ and if people wanted to actually dance. Tiny, light pink flower arrangements were in the center of each table.

"Lovely," I said to the air. I checked "reception hall" off of my list.

I walked out of the room and into the kitchen. I was glad I came in when I did. My mom was yelling at the chefs saying the frosting wasn't the right color.

"How can you be so foolish?" my mom screamed. "It's a shade darker than it should be!"

I rolled my eyes. "Mom, it's okay. I'll take care of this, you go and get ready. The makeup artist and hair dresser are both waiting for you." That was a lie. They were on their way. I just needed to get Mom away from there.

"Eva, I know when they are here and when they are not here! And they're not here right now! So don't lie to me!" my mom shouted.

She realized she was yelling in front of people. She composed herself. "I'll be in my room."

She sounded like such a teenager. The cooks gave me a weird look after she left. "Wedding jitters," I briefly explained. "Um, just add white frosting to the mix."

They nodded in approval. I walked away clicking my pen in stress. Was I really about to follow through with my plan?

"It's going to be okay." I nearly had a heart attack as Damian spoke.

"I didn't know you were stalking me," I responded.

He made a noise in the back of his throat. It almost sounded like a low chuckle. We started walking. I think we were both just anxious to get to the wedding.

Any sign of joy that was on my face wiped away. I became serious. "What happens if the plan fails?"

"It won't."

"But what if it does. Damian, we could be a family. Well, that's a little stretched considering the thing my mom will probably after the wedding. But what if my plan fails?" I started playing with my necklace Damian gave me. I always have it on me, except when I'm in the shower. I fall asleep with it on.

"Eva. Listen to me. If it goes wrong, you can always still tell them later."

"But what if she's kills him?"

"She won't. I have faith in you." There was something in his eyes that showed he actually had faith.

"Do the others approve? I mean, couldn't this put their lives at a great risk too?"

"We'll fight anything that comes our way. We've done it before, we can do it again."

"Will the Justice League be here?!" I asked.

"Those who can pull off knowing Bruce Wayne will. And who also have a secret identity. That can rule out some people."

"Do you know any of them?"


"You don't think they could stop her, do you? Like what if they see me as a threat and will try to stop me. That could make this plan backfire!"

"They shouldn't try to stop it. It would make people suspect why half the Justice League is stopping Poison Ivy at a wedding, and how they got there so quickly. They have boundaries about how far they can go. They can see you've got it handled."

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