Chapter 32 - Romeo and Juliet

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I woke up a few hours later on a soft bed. My head was throbbing. I unfolded the covers and placed my feet on the cold floor. I was back in my bridesmaid dress. My nails were still green, much to my regret. The events of what happened replayed through my mind. I can't believe I actually beat up my own mother.

I walked out of my bedroom and walked around the house. I followed the sound of voices. They lead me to Bruce's study. Alfred, Bruce, and Damian standing and talking around a table. Bruce gave a quick glance at me. I didn't see how he could have heard me. I tried to be as quiet as I could. As soon as I saw him, I ran out of the door. I couldn't bare the thought of what I did just a few minutes after I saved him.

I ran out of the gates of the manor. I ran through the forest. I did my best to go around the thorns, but I hit a few of them. The leaves on the ground were cold against my bare feet. I ran until I reached a clearing. A small cliff over looked Gotham City. I sat down and pulled my knees up. I covered my legs with my dress. I crossed my hairs to cover my arms. I leaned into my arms and cried. I ran out for no reason. Bruce probably thinks I'm hate him.

I don't know how long I was out there; crying and watching the city. I felt a warm body sit beside me. The person draped something warm over my shoulders. I looked up and saw Damian sitting next to me. I wiped a tear away hoping he wouldn't see. We didn't say anything for the longest time. We just sat and watched Gotham City below.

"How many of them know who I am? Was it wise for me to do what did?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"I'm sure all of them. Clark Kent from the Daily Planet was at the wedding. So was Lois Lane was there too. I'm sure they would have reported it."

"Great. So it hit Metropolis."


"How's my mom? After. . ."

"She's recovering as she makes her way to Arkham Asylum."

"I can't believe I actually did that. I feel so horrible."

"You've have your emotions bottled up. I thought you would have blown sooner."

"Thanks. I fell so much better!" I said sarcastically. "I feel like a complete mess. I ran out of your house!"

"And into the cold. Isn't that how you go sick before?"

"I wasn't sick! I just had a cold!"

"Uh huh."

"How'd you find me anyways? It's not like I've ever been here before."

"I followed you out of the door on my. I lost you when you ran into the woods."

"Oh. Why'd you follow me?"

Damian was silent for a moment. At last, he spoke, "I wanted to protect you. I've wanted to protect you since the day at the museum."

"Damian, I—" It was my time to be quiet. The weird thing was: I wanted him to protect me since the museum. Whether it was as Robin or as Damian. I guess I never really thought about it until then. I was in love with Damian Wayne. Even Alfred had said he acted differently to me than to others. I wished I'd seen it sooner.

"Come on," Damian said as he stood up. "The others are possibly waiting for us."

I stood up. He started walking away. I grabbed his arm and spun him around. It was now or never. I placed my lips on his. At first he was hesitant to kiss back. I pulled away thinking I made the wrong choice. Almost as soon as I did so, he pulled me into his chest. Our kiss more passionate than the last. My fingers caressed his hair. I felt the coldness leave me, it was replaced with warmth and light. His warmth and light.

"Thank you," I breathed out when we pulled apart.

"For what?"

"For showing me what love is."

He pulled me into a big hug and kissed the top of my head. He took my hand and guided me through the woods. It was a lot darker than before. I could hardly see ten feet in front of me. If I wasn't for Damian guiding me, I might have actually gotten lost. We reached his motorbike. I hopped on the back as Damian gave me a helmet. He hopped on, and I wrapped my arms around his chest and placed my head on his back. I could have released my grip and let my arms glide the wind, but I just wanted to be near him. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of nature and the loud hum of the motorbike's engine.

The ride back was a lot faster than running to the forest. We pulled inside of the garage of the Wayne Manor. I hopped off and handed my helmet to Damian. We didn't say a word as we walked through a hallway, past the kitchen, and into the library. Damian grabbed a book that was on a small table. He took a seat on a leather couch and motioned me to come over. I grabbed my own book from one of the shelves. The Phoenix and the Turtle.

Damian made a weird noise in the back of his throat. I looked over at him. "I wouldn't have thought you would pick up a book like that," he said.

"What does that even mean? It's poetry."

"It's about death and mourning."

"I chose the book, so don't judge me on what I read," I said as I took a seat next to him.

"Uh, okay."

He began reading his own book. I read mine. It was short so I finished pretty quickly. I didn't feel like getting a new book so I leaned my head on Damian's shoulder and silently read his book.

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