Chapter 31 - Poison

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~Eva's POV~

Weddings. The time where two people unite their love and start a family. It's joyous, memorial, and celebratory.

Not like the wedding for Bruce and my mom. It would be memorial, sure, but for the wrong reason.

The crowd was screaming. I don't know if it was because Poison Oak and Poison Ivy made a guest appearance, or if it was because Bruce Wayne was practically dying on the floor. My mom ran off somewhere. I dropped my bouquet I was holding and ran to where Bruce laid. Damian, Tim, Dick, Jason, and a few other people I didn't recognize were over there too.

"Oh God. I- Shit!" I stammered, lost for words of what my mom had done. Bruce was cold and his eyes were closed. We were losing him. "I-I'm sorry."

"Eva! Eva!" Damian placed a hand on my shoulder. How was he so calm in all of this? It was his own father who was dying! "He's not dead yet. You can save him."

"How, Damian? I couldn't even save him at the Christmas party."

"You can! I know you can! Take a deep breath and concentrate on saving him." Then he addressed the others. "Some of you take crowd control, the rest come with me!"

The others left, and it was like weight was lifted off my shoulders. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I placed my hands over Bruce's body. I felt the warm sensation I always get when I use a lot of my power course through my body. I felt warmth and light as I touched Bruce. All that darkness and poison my mother had brought within her time with Bruce was gone. Instead, it was replaced with the things that he loved: Damian, Batman, Dick, Tim, and Jason when they were Robin, him with the Justice League. All of it. I brought those moments back that were hidden.

I opened my eyes. Bruce was breathing steadily. I sighed with relief. The people I didn't recognize by Bruce were now trying to get the guests to safety. I looked down at my hands. I almost fell back in surprise. My fingernails were green. Green like my mother's skin. My mother! Damian went after her. Which, hopefully, that meant she didn't go far.

I ran around to the front of the Manor. A small circle had formed. Damian, now as Robin, was talking to my mom. Red Robin (Tim), Nightwing (Dick), and Red Hood (Jason) we're also there.

"It's over, Mom! You lost!" I said as I walked up to them.

"See, that's where you're wrong, Eva." Mom had a pleased look in her eyes and a smirk on her face. "This was all for you."

"What are you talking about?"

"The museum, at the school, today, your own childhood. It was all to get you to where you are. You do feel the rush of power, don't you? My power, now yours. You can't run from your destiny!"

"That's a lie!" I shouted. I tried to run to her, but Damian grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"It is? Then maybe it was Olivia's death that triggered it. You wanted to kill her murderer, didn't you? Something stopped you."

"How did you know about that?"

"I started it, Eva. It's real easy to get a guy to do your dirty work for you. After some cash and lust, it's really simple for someone to do your bidding. You really think I wouldn't know you would help Robin on the rooftop instead of stopping a robber? You're my daughter, Eva. I know your weaknesses. It's eating you away, isn't it? Knowing you couldn't stop a killer. Not knowing why he would do it. I'll tell you why. Because I made him!"

Whatever feelings I had went away. Instead, my mind was full of hate and anger. All I saw was red. I broke free of Damian's grasp and started running to my mom. The others tried to stop me, but I ran past them. I started attacking my mother. She didn't see it coming. She fell to the ground. I had tears in my eyes. Tears of rage.

"How's this for knowing me?" I screamed. "You made my life a living hell!"

I started pounding her with my fists. Hands started grabbing me to pull me off of her. Not even Superman's strength could pry me off. I had a mission: hurt Poison Ivy to the brink of death. I dug my nails into her skin like she's done to me many times. I scratched her cheek.

"Let the evil flow through you, Eva!" Poison Ivy muffled out.

"You're insane!" I screamed.

Without knowing what I was doing, I wrapped my hands around her neck. She's done it to me many times. I heard her gasp for air. I watched as blood trickled from her injuries. I let out a low, cold laugh. I loved watching her suffer; just like she loved watching me suffer for fifteen years.


I felt high level of electricity shock my arm. I let out a scream before falling off of my mom. My eyesight became normal again. The only red I saw was the red blood escaping my mom's body. I felt the same bolt electricity hit me again. I closed my eyes. Someone caught me before I lost all consciousness.

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