Chapter 20 - Death

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~Eva's POV~

Everyone in the class was talking, getting all excited for the break. It was the last period before we were officially out of school for the semester.

"So, D," I turned to Damian. "What are you doing over break?"

"My father has a big Christmas party he's throwing," Damian answered, he didn't sound too excited.

"Ah. I've heard about it from the news. That's why we had to decorate so many rooms?"


The last bell rang. Damian and I headed outside.

"I'll see you in a few weeks, 'kay?" I asked.

"Are you not going to go out at nights?"

I knew Damian wasn't asking if I was going out. He was asking if Poison Oak was going out. I haven't been out as Poison Oak since Olivia died. Some people have started speculating that Poison Oak was doing just one act of kindness.

"I don't know. Maybe," I said.

I hopped onto my bus and headed home.

I found my mom in my closet sorting through things. She kept throwing my small amount of dresses behind her.

"Mom? What are you, uh, doing?" I asked.

"We have somewhere very important to be at next week. You need to look fancy. These won't cut it," she explained.

"Where are we going?"

"Remember how I keep going out to see a guy? Well, I think it's time you meet him. We'll be going to his house on the 24th."

"But that's the night before Christmas."

"Okay. So?"

"So, I've got plans."

I didn't really have plans. I just didn't want to meet some guy my mom would throw away later.

"Rearrange your plans."

"But. . . Yes, ma'am."

"Now, go get changed out of your uniform and go shopping." My mom handed me a wad of cash.

"Woah. How'd you get all this money? You didn't steal it, did you?"

"No. My. . .boyfriend gave it to me."

"Oh, so, you actually are calling him that?"

"You hush your mouth. We've been dating for a while. It's only fitting."

"But I don't even know him!"

"You will. All in good times. Now go freshen up and buy a dress."

"What about you?"

"I've got this planned for a while."

She slammed the door and left me in my room to pick up the mess she made. I picked up a white, loose, long sleeve shirt and black leggings. I decided that's what I was going to wear.

I made my way down the street. I hailed a taxi to drive me to the richest parts of Gotham. That's where all the high-in stores are. I paid the driver and made my way into one store. They normally sold dresses for formal parties so finding a dress for a dinner wasn't going to be too difficult.

I picked out a dark purple, knee length dress. It had solid silk under a piece of fishnet type material. The straps were thick and wrapped around my neck in a cris-cross pattern.

If it wasn't for this rich man my mother was dating, I don't think I would have ever picked out a dress like that. I walked up to the sales clerk to pay for my dress. I handed the wad of cash to him. He looked at me for a second before putting the dress into a bag.

"Big day soon?" he asked.

"No. Just everyday attire." I wanted to sound as posh as I could, just for the fun of it.

"Seriously, kid?" He took a quick glance at my outfit I had on. "Clearly you don't dress up much. What's the occasion?"

"First off, don't 'kid' me. Second, I find it very rude that you would say something like that." I turned and walked out the door.

The nerve that person had. Who's to say I could be rich and wanted to dress down?

I wasn't looking where I was going. I bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry. I wasn't paying atten—"

I felt a big hand cover my mouth and a strong arm push me into an alleyway. I got a better look at who was holding onto me. He looked huge with a meaty body. There was a guy next to him who was thin. The meaty guy still held on to me.

"Give me your money!" The thin guy shouted.

"Oh, so this is a robbery. Got it," I said in a calm voice.

"Look, we don't want to hurt a nice, young, pretty girl like you. But we will if we have to."

Just then I felt a hand slide down my back. "Get away from me you pervert!" I shouted.

Maybe this wasn't a robbery.

"How nice would you look in this dress of yours? Would you be so kind to show off for us?"

"No! Not in a million years!"

My hands were behind my back. I felt hopeless. I couldn't transform into Poison Oak in fear they would find out my identity.

The big man hit the back of my legs. I fell to my knees. The thin man walked over and started lifting up my shirt. He didn't get past my belly button when a voice shouted, "Hey! Get away from her!"

I recognized the voice. It was Robin.

"Ooh! I'm scared. It's a teenager in a bird costume," the thin man mocked.

The big man pulled out a gun and aimed it at my head. "Get away, or she goes." That was the first time he spoke. His voice was rough and deep.

Robin didn't get away. Instead, he ran towards us. He knocked out the thin man. I heard gun shots. I closed my eyes. My last thought was, I'm going to die just like Olivia.

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