Chapter 9 - Suspicious Behavior

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I was in the study reading Shakespeare when my father walked into the room. "Damian, I'm going out for a bit. Can you do patrol while I'm gone."

"This will be the tenth time in three weeks. Don't think I don't know something's up!" I said.

For the past three weeks my father has been leaving the early and coming home late in the evening. I've had my suspensions a girl was involved. In fact, the first time he went out was the time I saw Eva at the sandwich shop.

"I'll explain everything later. For now, you'll be on your own," Father continued.

"What about Alfred?" I asked.

"I don't think Alfred will want to dress up as Batman."

"I would be Batman. He can be Robin," I teased.

My father gave out a small laugh. "Don't get into too much trouble."

"I can handle myself. Go have fun on your date."

~Eva's POV~

"Eva," my mom called. "I'm going out for bit. I'll be home late."

"Okay. So you want me to go out as Poison Oak to cause trouble," I replied.

"No. You aren't going to leave the house. I've got something else planned."

I hate when she has something else planned. It somehow always messes up and I have to suffer the consequences because it's "my fault."

"Got it, Mom. I won't go out," I lied. I was going out. She couldn't stop me.

"I mean it. Don't even go to Olivia's."

I crossed my fingers behind my back. "I'll stay right here all night. Promise."

She grabbed her coat and walked out the door. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

After I knew my mom wasn't coming back, I started walking out the door. I checked the hallway to make sure she wasn't still lurking around. I went down the elevator shaft and out into the busy streets of Gotham City. I threw the hood of my sweatshirt over my head. It was a cold night in Gotham.

I walked around for a bit. I didn't really know where I was going. I just know I didn't want to be cooped up in the apartment. Besides, tomorrow was Saturday. No school.

I called Olivia. "Hey, girlie," I said once she answered. "You doing anything?"

"I'm out with my family. Why?" She asked.

"Mom's our so I'm out. Wanted to see if you wanted to do anything."

"Oh yeah. Sorry. I'm sure hanging out with you would be better than this. Ask Damian. He might can."

"You don't think that would be weird?"

I heard her laugh on the other end. "Why would it. You're friends."

"Yeah. I guess, I'll call him. Bye."

"Bye." We ended the call.

I dialed Damian's number.

"Hey, Red," Damian said.

Red was the nickname Damian have me after we became friends. I didn't like it that much. But I get him back by calling him D.

"Umm, D, are you being chased?" I asked.

I could hear a loud bag and shouting. It sounded like he was running from something.

"I'm just playing a video game. What's up?"

"I was seeing if you wanted to come hang out in the city. My mom's somewhere so I decided to go out."

"Oh, sorry. My dad's out, too. I have to stay and watch the fort." There was a crash. "I've got to go. Pennyworth needs me."

"Um, okay. Bye, D."

"Bye, Red."

I wandered the streets. I stopped at a convenience store. I didn't really know what I was doing there. I was just passing time. I don't think I planned my night out that well. I've done most of the tourist traps because I lived here all my life.

I was in the back of the store when an old lady shrieked. I turned my attention to the From desk. A middle age man was pointing a gun at the cashier. It didn't look like the gun was loaded, but I don't know anything about guns to actually clarify. The dude didn't wear a mask which was extremely stupid of him.

My attention drifted towards a TV that was hanging on the wall. The bottom had a caption that said "Where's Batman!" That's when I noticed Robin was fighting some of some of Poison Ivy's henchmen. When did she hire those goons. I knew they were hers because they had poison ivy (the plant) on their shirts.

I ran to the bathroom and transformed into Poison Oak. I contemplated whether I should handle this robbery or help Robin. I decided I I should help Robin. After all, the police deal with robberies all the time. I called the cops and told them the address of the someone. I walked up to the front. The man had placed the gun on the counter and was loading money into a bad. He didn't notice me until I tapped him on his shoulder.

"Hi! Excuse me, but that doesn't belong to you. So you can either hand the money back over or have the cops do it for you. Your choice," I said in the most polite voice I had.

"What are you doing here?" The robber asked.

"I called the cops. Now if you excuse me, I have somewhere I'm needed to be." I flicked my head towards the TV as I ran out the door and down the street.

I didn't know exactly where Robin was, so I asked around.

"Excuse me," I asked one lady. "Do you know--"

The lady screamed and ran away.

Okay, or not.

I asked a man. He told me he didn't know. I was about give up, then I spotted two seniors that went to my school.

"Guys!" I shouted.

They all perked up. The girl started to scream. I covered her mouth with my hand.

"Shh! I just need to ask a question," I said. "Do you know where Robin his? I think he's in trouble. I need to help."

The couple didn't move. Finally, the boy pointed up Main Street. "Farther up. He could be anywhere, though," he said in a shaky voice.

"Thanks!" I started to run down the street.

"Wait!" The girl called. I turned around. "What are you doing?"

"I'm saving Robin!"

I found Robin in no time. He was on the roof of a 30 story building fighting the henchmen. Helicopters holding news channels flown above. I used the elevator to get up to the roof. It was awkward going up because a couple of people were in the elevator that kept staring at me. I could tell Robin was losing when I reached the roof. At first I wondered how Robin was losing then I smelled poison. Not the stuff my mom uses to kill. This poison just messes with the person's mind for a bit. It also makes them move slower. It's the perfect weapon against Robin. The poison only takes full effect if it ran into their blood stream. From the looks of it, it looked like the henchmen had the poison lathered on their daggers. Robin's suit was scratched up and a little blood trickled down his body.

I stood up on a box to stand taller than everyone else. "Need a hand, Batboy?" I laughed out.

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