Chapter 21 - Fun Night Out

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I wasn't dead. Sure I had ringing in my ears from the gun, but I wasn't dead. Heck, I wasn't even hurt! I opened my eyes. The gun wasn't even near me. The big man was aiming for Robin, who was trying to fight. The man's grasp on my arms was loose. I pulled hard and set myself free. I then grabbed his wrist and judo flipped him.

Well, I tried to flip him. He was too strong. Instead, I fell over instead. I let out a soft groan. My flip left an opening from Robin. He ran on top of the man and head bobbed him. The man fell back and was unconscious.

I stood up and dusted myself off. The ringing in my ears had subsided.

Robin—Damian, whatever—came over to me. "I would as if you're okay, but—"

"I'm fine," I muttered. "It's you I'm worried about."

Damian was holding his arm. I saw a small trickle of blood spill out from behind his fingers.

"It's just a scratch. The bullet only grazed me. I'll stitch it up later."

I sighed. "If you say so. Do you have a piece of paper and a pen?"

He felt around in his utility belt before handing me paper and a pen. I started writing on it.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Writing, duh."

"Okay, what are you writing?"

"A note. From you."

"If it's from me, shouldn't I be writing it?"

"No offense, but you're a little harsh. So just sign it and put it next to the crooks."

I handed the paper and pen back to Damian. He signed it and handed the paper back to me.

"Did you not just hear me? Put it by the crooks," I said.

"You have to sign it."

"Why me? The police probably don't even know who I am."

"They know who Poison Oak is," he said in a whisper.

I stared at him, my mouth agape. "I didn't help!"

"You did! When you tried to flip him, that was help. Now, please, sign it."

"Fine." I signed the note.


Please take care of these crooks. They did some stuff and I we had to stop them. So if you all would be ever so cool ever be so kind and take them to to station.

R & PO

I placed the note beside the two men. The thin man started to stir. I politely punched him in the face. He was out like a light.

"So where's your dad?" I asked. "He hasn't been out much."

"He's somewhere. I don't really know. Where's your mom?"

"Out of commission. Can I have a lift back to my place?"

"Sure. Why not? But you might want to change. Incase people see you."

"Oh right."

"I'll be on the street over."


He left. I grabbed my bag with my dress in it. I transformed into Poison Oak as I started walking. I found Damian on his cycle. The bike was dark red with the "R" for Robin.

"Let me guess: this is your Robincycle?"

"How'd you know?" he teased.

"Lucky guess." I hopped on the back of the bike. "Is there a helmet I can borrow?"

He groaned and sat up from the front seat. He pushed a button and the seat opened up to reveal a helmet. I grabbed it. He let me put my dress in the little shaft.

"Thanks!" I said cheerfully.

"Yeah, yeah. You are so demanding."

"Am not. I just have my needs."

He started the engine. "Hold on!" He shouted over the engine.

I didn't know what to hold on to. There weren't any handles. So, I did the most awkward thing possible. I wrapped my arms around his torso. He tensed, only for a second. Then his body went back to normal.

We took off into the street. The rush of from motorcycle, the wind in my hair, passing the cars and people, I love it all! I let out a scream in delight. I let go of Damian and extended my arms out.

"Hang on!" Damian shouted.

I grabbed his waist again. We made a sharp right.

Sadly, my fun had to come to an end. We reached my apartment complex soon after the turn right. He parked in the back so no one could see us.

"I had fun tonight. Maybe we could do it again, just without the two goons," I said.

"But the goons were the best part." There was a hint of smile on his face. I bet his eyes were sparkling with excitement (I could see his eyes because his mask had white lenses that covered them).

"Not on my part, they weren't."

The hint of a smile faded. His face turned back into his usual scowl. "Stay safe and don't get into too much trouble."

"When have I ever gotten into trouble?"

He sighed as he stood up off the bike. He hit a button and the secret compartment opened to reveal my bag. I tossed him the helmet in exchange for the dress.

"See ya around, Bird-Brains."

"Yeah. See ya." He started the engine and drove off.

I transform back into my regular clothes, and I climbed the fire escape back to my room. I hung up the dress in my closet.

"Mom! I'm home!" I hollered.

No reply.


I walked into the kitchen to find a note taped the the fridge.

Gone out
Won't be home until later.

I sighed. Damian wanted me to eat more, so I made popcorn. I was setting the TV up to watch a movie, when the late night news caught my eye.

"Previous encouragements have showed that Poison Oak is working with her mom, Poison Ivy," the news anchor started talking. "A few nights ago she was caught working with Robin and even saving him. Not to mention she stopped a murderer. Tonight, however, she was shown doing two things. Witnesses have said that they saw Poison Oak robbing a bank on 34th Street, while police have found a note saying she and Robin stopped some men in an alleyway around the same time. She was even riding on the back of Robin's bike to an unknown location. So who is she really? A friend or a foe?"

I turned off the TV and set the popcorn down. I couldn't believe it. My mother did it again. Not knowing I would get stopped and would have to turn into Poison Oak, she somehow made it look like I robbed a bank.

I did the most stupid thing I could think of. I transformed back into Poison Oak and ran the streets of Gotham. I reached my destination in no time. The civilians on the streets made a path for me because, I guess, they feared me. I walked through the doors of the building.

Everyone's eyes were on me. All the cops pulled out their guns. "Freeze!" They shouted.

I put my hands up in surrender. "Relax. I'm just hear to talk to the commissioner."

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