Chapter 8 - Unwanted Friendship

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~Damian's POV~

I was in math class. The class was taking a test about something we learned the previous week. I had finished my test early. I sat at my desk and fiddled around with my pencil.

"Pardon the interruption," the school receptionist said said over the intercom. "Teachers, please turn on your monitors for the school blog."

"Class, turn over your papers," Mr. Williams said.

Everyday, halfway through first period, we have to advert our attention to the school blog. It was normally small news like who's dating who and the lunch menu. I think the blog is just an excuse to spread more drama. In fact, most of the time kids just talk while it's going on. The blog today was the same as it always is. That was until Jane made a special announcement.

"Last night, our very own photographer and videographer, Chris Hans, caught Poison Oak on video!" The class started to grow eerily quiet. "She was singing Sweet But Psycho. We will only play a section of her singing and what she says to Chris."

A video of Poison Oak popped up on the screen. As I watched I couldn't help but believe what I was seeing. The way she sang the song made it sound like she was warning people about herself. And when she was talking to Chris, who was behind the camera, it almost sounded like she wanted to hurt him. That couldn't have been right. Could it? Eva didn't seem like that kind of person. But she could be hiding behind her own mask.

"There you have it," Jane resumed after the video was done. "Watch out for Poison Oak. She's Poisonous."

The screen went black. That meant the blog was over. The class went into a panic. Kids started chatting in real fast voices. I'm sure I had some sort of look on my fave. I turned around to look at Eva. She looked like she was going to throw up.

"Alright!" Settle down!" Mr. Williams shouted. "You can talk after class. For now, finish your test."

I went back to fiddling.

Fifteen minutes later the bell rang. I walked out of the classroom and waited for Eva to come out.

"What do you think of that?" I asked when she stepped out of the room

"Excuse me?" She gave me a look.

"What Poison Oak did last night; the song."

"Oh." She shrugged. "To me, it sounded more like she was trying to call for help. Why would sing a song about her being psycho? Why wouldn't she just show it?"

What Eva said hit me. "You really do believe she's good. Don't you?"

A new voice rang through the hallway. "Damian! Oh, Damian!"

I groaned as Rachel ran up and grabbed my arm. I saw Eva roll her eyes as she walked away.

"Damian! Won't you protect me from Poison Oak?" Rachel had a whiny voice while she talked.

"No. You're very capable of handling yourself. Poison Oak hasn't even done anything."

"But she could. Please, Damian. Protect me!"

I pried myself off of Rachel. "No. I. . ." I thought of an excuse. "I have to go to class." I walked away and lost Rachel in the crowd of students.

I made it to class just before the tardy bell rang. I took my seat as Mrs. Figgs started taking attendance.

"Wayne, Damian?" she called.

"Present," I replied.

* * *

After I got out of the lunch line I aimlessly wandered the school cafeteria. I hadn't forgotten about the lunch meeting with Eva. I was checking to see if she was inside or outside. I found her and Olivia sitting and talking at one of the back tables.

I walked up to them. "Can I sit here?" I asked.

The girls stopped talking. Eva nodded her head. Olivia had a look on her fave. It was only for a second, then she showed no expression.

As I sat down I noticed that Eva had hardly touched her food. The only thing she had on her tray was a bag a pretzels. Last night she didn't seem to have much either. Now that I thought about, Eva is very thin. She's skinnier than most girls her age.

"Damian!" Olivia called.

I snapped out of my thoughts. "Huh?"

"I asked why you wanted to sit with us."

"Oh. Eva said I could."

Olivia gave Eva a disapproving look. Eva shrugged her shoulders and said, "Damian asked first."

"I did not! You said I was welcome here at lunch," I recalled.

"After you asked to be friends!" There was a smile creeping up on Eva's face.

Was she actually enjoying this? I asked myself.

Olivia held her hand out to stop us from talking. "Wait, wait, wait. When did all of that happen? Was it today in first period or somethin'?"

"We talked a little last night. My mom was out so I--"

"You went over to Damian's!" Shock was written all over Olivia's face.

"What? No!" Eva laughed. "He saw me while I was out."

"Oh. Okay. You still could have told me."

"Olivia, Damian is going to be sitting with us at lunch today. Be nice," Eva beamed.

Olivia laughed at playfully hit Eva's arm. "Better," she said.

"So, uh, I guess this means we're friends?" I awkwardly asked.

Olivia and Eva each did a slight head nod. "Friends!" they said in unison.

Maybe this friendship wouldn't be so bad after all.

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