Chapter 12 - I'm Sorry

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~Damian's POV~

I knew my father would not approve that I revealed my identity, but Eva needed see someone to talk to. I figured if she knew who I was, then she might be more open. She might not have talked to Robin since she has a secret identity and wouldn't let anyone she's Poison Oak and Poison Oak is her.

"How long?" She asked. "How long have you known?"

I assumed she was talking about how long I knew her identity. "The first day Poison Oak showed up. I had my suspicions at the museum. I didn't tell anyone, but I took two samples of the vine that was tied to you. The one without your blood on it had traces of poison, whereas, your blood was breaking down the poison on the other. That's how you weren't affected from it."

"You've known since the first day we met!"

"The second day, yes."

"Does Batman know? Oh my gosh! Batman is freaking Bruce Wayne!"

"Yes, my father knows. He was the one who told me."

"Was that before or after you asked to be my friend? Wait, don't tell me. You said you knew my identity from the start and you asked to be friends with me that night. After your father told you to be friends with me. Are you saying you only became my friend to keep an eye on me?"

"Eva, calm down. That was before I—"

"Calm down! Damian, I watched my best friend die. She died in my arms! The man who killed her could have been stopped by me! I went and helped you instead because it looked like you needed saving. Which you did! He could have been stopped! And, on top of all that, I find out my other friend is only my friend to keep an eye on me. So, no, Damian! Do not tell me to calm down!"

Okay, she had a point. I kept telling her to calm down. The truth was, I didn't want her to calm done. She needed to let all of her anger and grief she's been holding in out. If she didn't let her emotions out they could consume her. And that wasn't true about what she said about me. I really did want to be her friend after we hung out a bit. "Maybe I shouldn't have said those exact words."

"You think?"

"I know how you feel. I've seen death happen."

"You don't know how I feel! No one does! So just shut up!" Eva screamed in rage. Then she got on her on her knees and started to cry. I tried to go help her back up, but she stuck and hand out. "I'm fine," she mumbled.

"That's a lie," I said.

"Damian!" She snarled. "I'm going to go tell Olivia's family the news. I'll see you in class."

"Do you want me to take you there? It'll be faster."

"No. I don't want to fly again."

"That wasn't really flying. I've got my bike instead."

"I'll pass." I could tell she didn't want to talk to me. "Bye, Robin."

Before I could say "Goodbye, Red," Eva jumped off the building. I ran to the ledge to look over. She was sliding down a vine. Once she reached the alleyway we were just at, she transformed back into her normal attire. She moved her hand down and the vine went back inside the ground. Impressive trick, I admired. Eva started running north to (where I assume) Olivia's apartment.

~Eva's POV~

I was on a bus taking me to Olivia's parents' apartment. I was so pissed off at Damian/Robin. What kind of person fakes a friendship?

"Next stop, Fifth Avenue," the bus driver announced.

I was the only one on the bus. Everyone had either gotten off at their stop or was kicked off because they were too distracting.

"That's me!" I shouted. I was in the very back of the bus.

I hopped off the bus. I dreaded the walk inside. I kept thinking of ways I could break the news about Olivia. I hoped I wouldn't cry. I had to be strong.

I knocked on the apartment door.

Mrs. Harrington, Cathy, opened the door. "Hello, Eva. Olivia's out right now. She won't be back for a bit."

"Actually, I need to talk to you and Chad," I said. Chad was Olivia's father. I've known Olivia's family for so long that they said I could call them by their first names. "It's about Olivia."

"What about her?"

"You and Chad may want to sit down."

Cathy told me to go sit in the armchair while she went to get Chad. Once they both sat on the couch, across from me, I began talking.

"Tonight there, uh, there was a shoot and run. The man was caught but. . ." I took a deep breath. How was I going to get through this?

"But what, sweetie?" Chad asked.

"I'm sorry." My voice started to get high. "There was a death."

"Shh. Take a deep breath." I wished Chad and Cathy would understand faster what I was about to say.

"Olivia, she-she died." My best friend died in my arms.

There was silence. It wasn't awkward, it was more of a grieving silence. I don't think I cried. If I did, it was silent. I remember hearing faint sobs coming from Cathy.

My mind was foggy. I don't know when I left or how I got home. I opened the apartment door. My mom wasn't home yet. I went to my room. I laid down on my bed and fell into a not so peaceful sleep.

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