Chapter 14 - Rachel is a. . .

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I was let go out of the closet late Saturday night. I was weak and tired, but I managed to grab some food and water bottles. I stored them in my room.

Sunday, I stayed in my room. Damian had texted and called a few times. I just told him I went to see my grandparents. No one knows I was ever locked in the closet. Olivia never knew. I didn't want anyone to know.

I tried to avoid Damian the best I could Monday. It was hard because we had most of our classes together. I got really annoyed with Damian in English. We sit right beside each other. I was rubbing my pencil against my leg. (It was mechanical so there wasn't any lead out.) He grabbed my pencil out of my hand. I slapped his face with the back of my hand trying to get my pencil back. It was by accident but I kind of enjoyed it. I looked down and noticed I had cut myself with my pencil on my leg. After I got my pencil back, I continued to cut myself.

It was Tuesday. Olivia's funeral would be today. I didn't want to think about it.

The class was tuned to our daily blog. "Let's all take a moment of silence for Olivia Harrington," Jane began. "She was a beloved friend, student, and classmate. Let us take this moment to grieve."

Everyone bowed their heads. I wished this silence would be over. I felt like I could cry.

After the silence was over, I felt someone kick my chair. I turned around. Sam, a nerdy looking kid, handed me a note. At first, I thought he was writing me a love letter. He did it once before. I smiled and took the note. I opened it.

Meet me outside after school

I looked at Damian. I thought the "R" meant Robin. He wasn't looking at me. Then, I heard a snicker from across the room. Rachel was looking at me.

Of course! I thought. Rachel would've been a better candidate than Robin. I should have known it would be her.

Soon, the bell rang. I dreaded the walk to science. Sitting in science had awfully hard. I was use to having Olivia beside me. We would get away with talking, we would play tic-tac-toe on our papers. Mrs. Figgs didn't care that we did that. We were good kids. We always got our work done later. Now, it seemed I would be quiet, like like I am in all my other classes.

* * *

Buses were lined up. They will be taking students to the visitation. Some students will stay for the actual funeral. Olivia's closest friends would also go to the burial. The buses were going to leave in ten minutes. I still hadn't found Rachel.

"Hey, Eva!" the annoying voice of Rachel called. I saw her walk over to me. "I didn't think you'd show."

"Yeah, it looks like you found me. Yay," I said, sarcastically.

"You know, none of us would be here if it wasn't for you."

I let out a nervous laugh. Did she know who I am? "What do you mean?"

"If you didn't stop and talk with Olivia, Friday, she might still be here."

"I can't believe you! That is so shallow of you! You were the one who called me over! Don't say this is my fault! In fact, don't talk to me for a while! I'm sick and tired of rumors, your lies, and I'm tired of your crap!" I started walking away.

"Don't walk away, Eva!"

I glared at her. "Watch me."

"Fine! Walk away! Just know it's your fault and yours alone! You caused this!"

I hopped on the bus as Rachel kept yelling. I sat in the very front. I wanted to be off the bus as soon as we got to the funeral.

A/N: Sorry it's a short chapter. School starts tomorrow. I wanted to post one last one before I start school. Plus, this is a good transition for the next chapter.

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