Chapter 2- Married

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Here is a picture of what I feel Tate might look like! Gruff, larger and scarred. Yesssss. 


Amilee's POV:

I actually said it out loud. Oh my god. What was I thinking telling this stranger such a thing!? I mean... I guess he did understand what I was going through... or maybe even worse considering he was actually going to be getting married, but got dumped in the end.

I was just a stupid day dreamer who wished for a happy ending.

"Well that really sucks." he sighed. "Have you loved him for a long time?" he asked me. I peeked over and gave him a good look over again. I was surprised at how well spoken he was considering his appearance. He was tall, but big and muscular. He looked powerful, and from the way he presented himself, he felt powerful too.

His messy black hair and blue eyes caught me off guard at first, not usually seeing such a drastic opposite on a man before. He had a sharp jaw with stubble covering it, but I could still see the scar that ran up onto his cheek a bit. He looked rough, tough and that cocky- jock type of person.

So not my type.

His voice was deep and rough, demanding and yet surprisingly interesting. I didn't really want company, but his story made me want to talk to him.

"Yes." I swallowed hard, remembering just how bad it really did suck. The bartender, Raul, came over and handed me another drink. I said thanks and took a sip of it, already feeling the effects of the first drink I downed. I wanted to get drunk and waste my night away, but I didn't really have the funds to do so. I might as well see if this man was nice enough to buy me a few more, and I would be set for the night. "So, if you'd like to keep me company, I'd at least like to know your name."

He nodded and held out a hand. "Tate Anderson."

I sniffed and took his hand with my own. I couldn't believe just how large his hands were. They seemed to swallow mine whole. "Amilee Hunt. But people call me Lee."

A smirk came upon his face and I felt nervous under his gaze. "How about a few rounds, there Lee?"


"Ohh... my head..." I whined. My hands came up and I held my head as I laid there in bed. The sun was bright as it came through the windows above the head of the bed. I ran my hands down over my face and groaned in horror.

I had a huge hangover.

This wasn't good. What time was it anyways!? Just trying to sort out the random thoughts in my head made it throb even more. I groaned again and curled up onto my side, taking the plush covers and throwing them over my head. Under the covers I finally tried to open my eyes and let them adjust.

What I saw was not what I was expecting.

A large, strong hand was laying before my face on a pillow. My eyes went wide. I gasped and quickly threw the covers off my head, pulled away but pulled my own pillow to my mouth to muffle a scream. I didn't want to be loud. I sat up in the bed slowly and ignored all the pain that I felt from doing so. The bright lights wanted to blind me at first but I focused.

There, in bed next to me was a man.

A fucking unknown man!

My heart raced as I just saw the back of his head, his body in a prone position with his head facing the opposite direction. I took a moment to study his shoulders and arms that were peeking out from the covers. Muscle definition was all I could see and I swallowed hard. Looking down at myself I saw that I was only in a pair of very revealing undergarments that didn't belong to me. Red lace bra and underwear. I wanted to scream once again but didn't want to wake the man. I slowly moved the covers off to the side and was about to climb out when I noticed something on his finger. I did a double take.

A wedding ring.

Oh no. A new sickening feeling came over me as I fought against the truth.

I slept with a married man.

Then another thing hit me. I wasn't in my apartment. I was in a strange, large bedroom. Oh my god! I carefully threw my legs off and climbed out of the bed. Slowly I turned to face him and began backing up, keeping my eyes on the man since I didn't want to wake him...

As I backed up though, I didn't see my heels on the floor and I instantly tripped and fell backwards, landing hard on my back. "Owww!" I groaned out in pain. My head pounded ten times more, almost causing me to cry. I didn't know which one to hold to try and ease the pain!

"What the!?" I heard a deep, but somewhat familiar voice call out. I rolled onto my side and chose to rub my back. As soon as I was able, I opened my eyes and looked up to see a pair of blue eyes staring down at me from the bed. "Are you alright!?" he asked, just as confused and in pain as I was.

I gasped as I saw his eyes focus and travel down my body which I remembered was in very revealing clothing. "Don't look!" I snapped and he instantly looked away and sat up in the bed, holding his head as his head throbbed as well.

"Are you alright?" his deep, scruffy voice asked again, this time a bit more nicely. If that was even possible.

Not knowing what to think and starting to feel a bit nauseous again I took a deep breath. "Fine. I'm fine." I took a few deep breaths and calmed my stomach and then looked back up at him. A blanket flew down and landed on me and I took it to cover myself. "Who are you?! Where the hell am I!?" I demanded to know.

I watched his semi naked form emerge from the bed as he removed his own covers. He stood carefully and walked over to a dresser which held a couple bottles of medicine. I couldn't help but scan his unknown muscular body as he only had a pair of boxers covering his body. "This is my place... and I could ask you the same thing." he growled, popping a few pills and downing it was some warm water that was sitting out. After he swallowed them, he looked over at me and focused. Then I froze as he walked over and squatted down, looking at my face more closely. Those blue eyes made my breath catch.

He groaned. "Shit."

"What!?" I swallowed hard.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" He asked, sounding horrible.

"Last night?" I stopped and tried to focus. I remembered being upset, going to the bar, having a man buy me a drink... My eyes went wide and looked up at him again. "Tate!? You're the man from the bar!?"

"Yes." he groaned, rubbing his hand over his face.

"You told me you were dumped!" I snapped, seeing his wedding ring again. I must have been such a stupid idiot to believe his story! He just wanted to get into my pants! I felt so violated and used. I wanted to cry, but I used the anger that came up instead. Quickly, through the headache, I stood to my feet and glared at him. "I should have known you were trying to play me!"

"What kind of nonsense is coming out of your mouth!?" he asked, clearly annoyed. "I'm not married."

"Explain that ring then!" I pointed to his hand with my left one. Something caught my eye. I gasped and began to panic. "No... no..."

"What!?" he growled again, seeing that I was distressed. But then he looked at my hand and saw the ring that was placed there on my wedding finger. Then he looked to his and saw one on his own. "You got to be kidding me..." he whispered, not believing it.

We both looked up in shock as we met each other's eyes. This couldn't be happening... this just couldn't...

We were married.

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