Chapter 22 - Past

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Amilee's POV:

Today was a beautiful day. A bit chilly, but with the sweatshirt I had on with the jeans I wore, it was perfect. The sky was a bit cloudy and it promised rain later in the evening. I walked out of the hospital feeling good and sad all at the same time. Each time I came and gone from this place it made me stop to think about my future.

What does it hold? What was I to do? Was my future to hold becoming a Doctor as I so longed to do? Or was I to ever have children?

Be truly married.

Yes. Everything inside of me craved for all of that. For the good life of being loved and loving others, to caring for the sick and injured and bringing hope and health to them all. I couldn't stop myself from wanting such a beautiful thing.

I tossed the thoughts aside and looked down at my watch. It was after three PM and Tate was supposed to pick me up at the cafe across the street at Five. I got out a bit early due to extra treatments the Doctors wanted to perform on the children's skin. So now I had two hours to kill. Maybe I could go-


My stomach dropped.

I slowly turned to look to my right, where the too familiar voice called my name. I swallowed hard and met the brown eyes of none other than David Ashbur. I didn't respond, just stared at the man beside me. His hair was cut short, his face clean shaven, his clothes were casual and not his usual suit on this particular work day. In his hands he held a single red rose and held it out to me.

"I've been trying to get ahold of you." he spoke softly. His voice filled my ears, but surprisingly I wasn't affected like I thought I would be. Something was different. I guess something had changed for me. Maybe I was finally healing and getting over him?


I tried to swallow past the knot in my throat and nodded at David. "I saw that."

He pulled the rose back. He looked a bit defeated. "So you have been ignoring me."


"Ouch." he chuckled sourly. "I guess I deserve that response." he cleared his throat. His brown eyes peered into me. "Can we talk?"

"Now?" I asked, feeling uneasy about the whole thing. I looked to my watch again and wished Tate was coming now to come get me and not in two hours.

"You don't have to, Lee. I just really wanted to talk to you about everything." he sighed. "If you'll just give me a few minutes of your time to do so."

I guess I really didn't have a choice. I really didn't feel right about going with him and talking, but a part of me wanted to hear what he had to say. Finally after a moment, I nodded in agreement. His eyes brightened and I hated the little flip my stomach did in response.

"How about some coffee? My treat." he motioned towards the cafe and began walking towards it. I tried my best to put up a wall and prepare myself for this encounter, but I didn't know how well I would last.


We both stood in line at he cafe I was to meet Tate at. It came to our turn and David ordered his usual and then stopped when it came to mine. He looked at me and gave me a sheepish grin. "What is it you like to get? Normally you order for me, but I never have really known what you like."

That's because you never cared to pay attention. I cleared my throat and looked at the barista. "I'll just have a small, White Chocolate Mocha please." The woman smiled and started the drink and then David paid with a card. I smiled remembering that Tate's card was actually still in my wallet. To this day he refuses to let me return it. I've rarely used it but he insists it's there for emergencies.

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