Chapter 14 - Snuggles

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Amilee's POV:

My eyes struggled but flickered open in attempted to wake up. I didn't hear an alarm, or any sort of noise that would cause me to wake up so suddenly, but I had the strangest dream and I couldn't stop thinking about it.

Which made me give up on going back to sleep.

Warmth. That's what I felt and it felt so good. I felt safe and warm. What a strange time to be feeling such a thing. The blankets felt heavy on my side as I was lying to my right. My arms were folded and tucked snuggly against my own chest and the barrier. Although... it didn't feel the same as it always did.

As my eyes flickered again, I tried to see in front of me. The dark shades in the room caused it to be a bit harder to see even though I was pretty sure it was daylight out. My hands spread open and I ran my hands up the solid surface pressed against me. Such amazing, strong and muscular skin-


My eyes flew open as I finally snapped out of my dream like state. Eyes wide, body frozen, I felt as if I suddenly couldn't breathe.

I was wrapped up in Tate's arms.

Oh. My. God.

Swallowing hard I slowly created a trail with my eyes from his chest, where my head was, to his face. His bare skin became like fire to my own. I tried to stay calm, hating that I really liked being this close, especially after that kiss, yet knowing this wasn't good.

I focused on his face once I got to it. The even rise and fall of his chest was still felt under my hands. Tate was sleeping soundly. His jaw was in still sharp, the stubble in desperate need to go. I took this moment to take a closer look at the details. I couldn't even begin to try and push away from him, no matter how much my mind screamed for me to.

His cheekbones were round, his nose, I realized, was a slightly crooked. Had he broken his nose before? It wasn't anything major, but now that I was this close, I could see it. His dark brows were relaxed as he slept. I was surprised at how at peace he looked, holding me here.

Did he even realize?!

I took a deep breath and went to push away from him, when I noticed the white scar that was displayed under the stubble of his jaw. I could see the end of it peek out from the dark hair. What had happened to him that cause such a scar? Did someone give it to him? Or did he get into an accident? Just the thought of someone causing him harm in such a way made me feel uneasy and frustrated.

Maybe I was starting to care a little more for him... you know... as a friend.

He had been nothing but great to me the past couple weeks. We had gotten along great, talking and not talking. He was thoughtful, but seemed to be a bit... intimidated?

Of me.

Can you believe that?! This large, handsome, strong man intimidated by little ole' me? I swear that's what I was getting from him, but I could be wrong. Maybe it was more of a self conscience thing? Who knew.

I shook my head. This was no place for me to be right now! Was I crazy!? I was in bed, in Tate's arms! This was a big no no! Carefully I tried pushing away from him, but his large arm that was wrapped around my waist was having none of that.

He didn't budge.


I tried again, but still, he didn't move. Damn it! I really didn't want to be caught like this! Why did he have to be so damn strong! I blushed slightly realizing what I needed to do to get out of this. I swallowed hard.

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