Chapter 8 - Damage Control

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The door chirped as I opened it and the aroma of coffee beans hit my nose in an instant. I took in a deep breath and smiled. The smell of coffee was an amazing one. My eyes traveled to the barista waiting for me to walk up and order. A smile was on her face.

"Hello, what may I get started for you?" she asked as I sat my purse on top of the counter in front of me.

"Good morning. Can I get a double shot, Non fat, Caramel Macchiato?" I opened my purse and pulled out my small wallet.

"Of course! Would you like anything else?"

I opened my wallet, about to tell her no when I saw Tate's card resting nicely in a slot. I swallowed hard and thought carefully. When was the last time I treated myself to a coffee? Was it really that bad to use what Tate had so willing given? I mean, it was only less than six dollars. For a guy like him, that was practically pennies. Tempted, I reached for it but stopped myself short and grabbed the cash I had.

"No, that's all I want, thank you. May I have a empty cup on the side though?"

"Sure." she smiled. I handed her the cash and she handed me back the change after a moment. It was a nice gesture, but I couldn't get in the habit of relying on Tate for things. He wasn't my husband in every sense of the word and I would not use him like so many wanted and had done. That was wrong and I was going to do my best to be good to him since he has been nothing but good to me.


My heart was beating fast. My stomach in knots. I felt like I was going to be sick. I had to take a deep breath to steady myself as I opened the door to David's office. He was talking on the phone in his chair with his back to me. Ahh, his eight AM sharp meeting. Mr. Andrews was always a stickler for such a thing. But with David wanting to get ahold of the new building downtown to expand our company, he had to do anything and everything possible. Even if it meant spending an hour every morning negotiation. Especially with another Corporation out there trying to buy it out from under us.

I walked up and sat his coffee down on his desk. A sudden whiff of his cologne hit me and I tried to keep back the urge to embrace it like I always had.

Without a word, I turned and headed back for the door before he saw me-

"Amilee?" I froze.

My hands were already touching the door to go back to my desk. I gently touched the glass, still debating to turn around or not. He was busy right? I should just go-

"Are you not talking to me now?"

I felt tears threaten again, but I would not cry here and in front of him, never. I steadied myself and turned around to face him. "I'm sorry, I thought you were still on the phone with Mr. Andrews. Good morning." I said in my best professional voice. Yes, I would just have to block everything off and just be professional, since I was only his assistant.

His brown eyes studied me closely, his lips turned into a frown. Oh if only I could make him smile at me once again. If only he would let me be the one to smooth away all his fears and doubts. "Is... there something going on that I don't know about? Between us, I mean." His voice came out smooth and collected, but I could hear the worry in his voice. Oh how I wished I could ease his mind, but I couldn't.

He had already made it perfectly clear where I stood.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." I played dumb.

He rose to his feet and his more slender form came around his desk towards me. My heart pounded faster. Not able to move, regrettably, he made it so that he standing right in front of me. I could definitely smell his cologne now. Oh god, I couldn't help but take in the scent. "I know I hurt our friendship by keeping my dating and engagement from you... and for that I'm truly sorry." he cleared his throat. "I already miss the friendship we had though, and... is there anyway to just... go back to normal?"

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