Chapter 26 - Dinner For Two

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Merry Christmas!!!!!

Tate's POV:

I held the tall woman in my arms. I hated this. Yet, it was a easy enough excuse to hold the beautiful woman against me, right? Flashes of light went off behind us. Of course, we have to look good for the cameras. I'm glad she had chosen a decent dress for this dinner party. Last time she almost had a wardrobe malfunction and shown off some of her goods.

My goods.

It annoyed me just thinking about it. Shaking it off, or trying to, I focused on the blue eyes before me and noticed her makeup done up to perfection. Yes. She was perfect for the camera. Perfect to stand beside me. Regardless of how much we fought or she used me.

I deserved it anyways.

Her long blonde hair was straight and highlighted. It was a nice color I guess. She usually kept it that color or threw different highlight colors into it from time to time.

The music started playing and I sighed.

"My god, do you have to look so sour?" Brittany's voice whispered to me, a frown on her face. I just narrowed my eyes at her.

"You know I hate dancing." I replied with.

"Yes, just like everything else in this world." She sighed and we both began to move with the music as we always did. Back and forth and side to side. This was the normal. Everyday the same. But I loved her, and she loved me. Things would get better once we were married, I was sure.

Yet, I ignored all the doubts that clouded my head and even my heart as I continued moving around with Brittany in my embrace.


I still remembered exactly how I felt last year at this exact dinner party.

Couples surrounded us. Most I knew personally, others I knew from afar. Even the Mayor was positioned with his arms around his wife.

Just like myself.

Though this time, my nerves were eating away at my stomach as I focused on the small woman in my arms. Our mid sections were touching, my one hand still clasping hers, and the other around her waist. Her arm was up with her hand resting on my upper arm, since it was harder to keep it on my shoulder. There really was a height difference between us.

Yet, even with all this uneasiness, her excited and confident eyes kept me grounded and actually a bit curious as to how this was going to play out. "Take it easy on me huh? A secret you care to share?" I asked her in a hush tone so that we weren't being overheard.

Those lips of hers curled up into a smirk and I couldn't help but smile a bit at it. It was cute. "Never underestimate me. I wear many hats, as you'll come to find out."

The music started playing, more flashes of lights went off behind us. It was almost like deja vu, but those stormy orbs that were focused on me were unlike anything I had ever experienced in my past. This was all new, all different, and all...


As the cue from the music sounded, I took the first step I knew to take and began to lead her in the dance that I've done a dozen times. My eyes didn't leave hers. Her feet moved swiftly and smoothly with mine. I raised a brow as I kept going with everyone else, and Amilee dancing with precise movements. So she knew how to dance? Like... professionally? Where in the world did she learn to dance?!

I focused on my steps to try and make sure I was able to keep up with her. I couldn't believe it, and yet even though she was proving to be more proficient in the dance, she allowed me to lead her in it. Amilee wasn't trying to overpower me or take control. She was still allowing me that position.

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