Chapter 7 - Mornings

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Tate's POV:

The ungodly annoying sound of my alarm started to go off. I grumbled and threw my hand up to hit the damn thing. I wasn't exactly a morning person, but I forced myself to be. I sighed and slowly opened my eyes and peeled myself out from my covers and out of the comfortable bed.

Mondays sucked.

Yet, I have always worked hard and was hardly home so I didn't mind it once I actually got started. Rubbing my eyes I looked over at the time on the alarm clock to see that it was five AM. I took a moment to gather my thoughts and then found myself looking behind me to see that Amilee was still sound asleep. Her auburn hair poked out from the covers. I guess she wasn't an early riser even on work days.

Well, I guess I better get going. I got up and walked over to the closet, closed the door and threw on a pair of basketball shorts, a grey shirt and a pair of running shoes. Walking out I glanced once more and Amilee still sleeping with the huge blanket rolled up against where I just was.

Her and her silly barrier.

More than likely while I ran she would get up and take a shower, and get ready so that when I got back the master bathroom would be free for me to use. With that set in my mind I made my way out for my run to start off my day.


I tried to catch my breath as I walked in the front door. Damn, I hated running. Yet I found it kept my thoughts in check. I had time to think and to figure out what to do next with everything. Right now, expanding my business was at the highest priority.

And finding a way to keep the media at bay once I stepped into my office this morning.

I walked through my house and found it still pretty quiet. I thought I would at least see or hear Amilee walking around getting ready, but I didn't. That was strange. Making my way towards the bedroom I walked in and stopped dead in my tracks.

There in the bed, same as before, was Amilee.


I rushed over and looked at the clock seeing I had spent more time than I usually do on my run. It was now six-thirty. Did she forget to set her own alarm!? Went over to her side and leaned over to gently shake her by the shoulder.

"Amilee, wake up." I tried at first. She just moaned in agitation. I had to try again. "Hey, wake up! It's almost time to leave for work!"

She groaned again but slowly opened her eyes to look at me. "What?" she asked confused. I watched as she then reached under her pillow that she rested on and pulled out her phone to look at the time. Her brows furrowed.


She clicked off her phone and tucked it back under where she had it before and closed her eyes again. "I still have forty minutes." she mumbled at me.

"Forty minutes!?" I asked in return, very confused. Did she not have to be at work at eight AM like the rest of us normal business people!? "What time do you have to be to work!?"

Sighing she turned onto her side and tried to get comfy again. "Eight, like normal people. I have forty minutes till I have to leave."

"You can't be serious." I straightened up and looked at her with disbelief. Brittany had always been a early riser. She took at least an hour to get herself ready in the morning. Plus she always wanted to go out for breakfast or didn't eat at all. "Do you need to take a shower or anything?"

Amilee mumbled something under her breath, still refusing to open her eyes again for me. "I took one last night while you were talking to Ryan on the phone. I'll be ready for work, don't worry about me. Now if you'd be so kind..." she lifted her hand out from the blanket and dismissed me with it, then grabbed the blanket and threw it over her head.

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