Chapter 32 - Mine

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Tate's POV:

This was it. I was going to do this.

My eyes continued to focus on the front door waiting patiently for it to open. It hadn't been that long since Amilee left to go attend the meeting for me, which I still had mixed feelings about. I had always done my own work and never wanted to hand it off to someone else. I know she was capable, especially with Ryan there with her, but it made me feel lazy and irresponsible.

I sighed as I found myself tapping my foot over and over again. Since the moment she had left I had been doing nothing but thinking. I had managed to get a few bites down though, and with the pounding in my head now a dull ache, but I still couldn't ease my stomach. Or heart.

My stomach was in knots and I felt panic. The things I wanted to say to Amilee when she returned were things I never thought I would ever mutter.

Well, I guess I never thought I would ever feel this way towards anyone too. I'm quickly learning that there is a first for everything.

Plus, she now knew about my new project. I wonder what expression she made when she found out. I felt a small smile form on my lips. She probably got all wide eyed and forced herself not to cry. I can see it now though, that large smile that she gave off. The one she always gave when she was truly happy.

Oh god I hope that was what she did.

And I only pray that she does the same when I speak my mind.

I began to tap my fingers in thought. The cold metal of my wedding band rubbed up against my other fingers, causing me to stop and look at it. I brought the hand up in front of me and began to move it with my other hand. The color was silver. It was also plain and something I never thought I would be wearing on my hand. Yet I found myself really fond of it. It was something new, something refreshing. It wasn't at all connected to how my life was before.

It held more meaning.

And Amilee held one that looked identical to it on her own hand. Would she want to keep such a thing on her hand?

Suddenly the front door opened and snapped me out of my thoughts. I stood and waited to see Amilee's smiling face-

"Amilee?" I frowned and quickly went to her side as she jolted in and slammed the door behind her. Her back rested against the design of it as her eyes closed and her breathing was heavy. Had she been running? Why would she be doing that? Something wasn't right. Her face was stained with tears yet again. "What the hell happened?" I questioned, worried. There were so many things that could have gone wrong since she had been gone, I didn't even know what to think.

When she didn't answer me yet again, I reached out and touched her arm. Instantly she gasped and winced. Her eyes opened up and those grey orbs found mine. Why was she acting scared of me? Was she... Did I really frighten her?

The doubts that came running in quickly vanished as Amilee's body was instantly thrown into mine. Her arms wrapped around my waist and her head buried into my chest. I didn't hesitate to wrap my own arms around her small frame and hold her close. "Why is life so cruel?" she asked gently. I could feel her crying softly as well, which I always hated. "God I'm so pissed right now!" she added.

With her still tucked away in my protection, I kept one arm around her and used my other hand to gently tuck it under her chin. I lifted it so that I could get a better look at her. Once her tear stained face masked in regret and frustration came into view I studied it for a moment. "What happened Lee?" I asked softly.

Her expression turned more regretful and sad. "I'm sorry I was so weak, Tate."

"You weak?" I scoffed. "That's impossible." I told her honestly. It was the truth. She was the strongest person I knew. Sure, physically she wasn't the strongest, but her will and passion and drive was stronger than anyone else I had ever met. What on earth had her so distraught-

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