Chapter 33 - Finally

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An extra chapter! I hope you enjoy!!!!

David's POV:

The first thing I saw when I walked up to my company was a moving truck. Panic started to set in. What was going on!? Nothing happened to my company without me knowing!

I charged in as fast as I could and hit the elevator. It took me up as I battled with the panic that settled itself in my stomach. I was going to find out what the hell was going on and I would fix it!

The elevator stopped on my office floor and as soon as it opened I witnessed a nightmare. There were movers packing up my belongings in boxes and pulling them out of my office! What the hell was going on!?

"Hey! Stop that! What the hell do you think you're doing with my stuff!" I yelled at one only to stop and yell at another. "Put that down!"

They all looked at me with a blank stare as if what I said had no meaning to it. I pushed past them and went into my office to find it almost all cleared out. One guy was putting my books into a box. "Stop that! Don't touch those!" I yelled and demanded feeling as if I was dreaming. The only thing remaining was my desk and my large chair, which was facing away from me. The man I yelled at looked at me and stopped, confused. I had to call the owner and find out what was really happening-

"You may continue."

I froze as I heard that familiar voice from behind my desk. The mover then listened and threw the rest of the books into the box and made his way past me. I didn't stop him. Not after I that voice had spoke. Could it really be? I felt hatred overwhelm me.


I watched as my chair turned around and I came face to face with none other than the man I hated more than anything.

Tate Anderson.

"What the fuck at you doing in my chair!?" I spat.

He had a blank expression on his face as he looked at me with dark eyes. "It's actually company property, isn't it?" Then, to make my blood boil, he gave me a cocky smirk. "And considering you no longer work for this company, you can't claim it, can you?"

He was lying. "I'm not fired. I run this company! The only one who can fire me is the owner himself! So get off your fucking high horse and get out of my office before I call the cops!" I threatened. Yeah, that should do it. I'd show him-

"Ah. Yes. You're right. We should consult the owner, your boss first." I watched as he never even lifted a finger to make the phone call to the owner of the company. Instead he leaned forward, but his elbows on my desk, and then rested his head on his fists. He lost his smirk and acted as if he was pondering something. "Ah, yes." he then spoke, rising to his feet to his full height, which I hated that he was taller than me. His eyes narrowed. "You're fired."

My eyes widened. He... he didn't... "You didn't-"

"Ahh. But I did." he took a few strides and made his way around the desk. "Do you know how easy it is to buy a company? I don't know why I never thought of it before. Greyson Taylor was very happy to see that I went to him and made him an offer. Since he is older and has been wanting to retire and all, he gladly sold his company over to the most successful business owner there is around here."

"You own this company!?" I couldn't believe my ears! My job... my life goals... my future...

He narrowed his eyes again. "For someone who has been running this company, you sure aren't too bright."

"You can't do this!" I stated, beyond angry. I wanted him dead. I wanted him out of the picture! "You'll pay for this!"

With only two steps with his long legs he then towered over me, only inches away from me. I wanted to strangle him, wanted to punch him, wanted to take all that he held dear from him! His blue eyes instantly switched to one of pure anger. For a moment, I was actually... scared.

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